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第11讲:高考核心词汇+连词与状语从句梳理+题型综合练 1.日志,杂志n. journal 2.(水果)汁n.juice 3.废旧杂物n.junk 4.水壶n.kettle 5.键盘n.keyboard 6.绑架n.kidnap 7.幼儿园n.kindergarten 8.王国n.kingdom 9.厨房n.kitchen 10.编织v.knit 11.律师n.lawyer 12.房东;地主n.landlord 13.洗衣房n.laundry 14.草坪n.lawn 15.羔羊;小羊n. lamb 16.做兼职do part-time jobs /a part-time job 17.加人我们去钓鱼join us in going fishing 18.开某人的玩笑play a joke on sb 19.使某人大为高兴的是to one's great joy 20.从他的外貌判断judge from his appearance 21.热衷于阅读文学作品be keen on reading works on literature 22.阻止某人做某事keep sb from doing sth /stop( or prevent )sb from doing sth 23.跟上现代科学的发展keep up with development of modern science 24.玛丽成功的关键the key to Mary's success 25.学到知识acquire /obtain/ get knowledge 26.拓宽知识面broaden/ enlarge/ widen one's know ledge 27.缺钱缺经验lack money and experience 28.倒数第二the last but one 29.最新消息the latest news 30.违法break the law 1.传单;小册子n.leaflet 2.漏,使泄漏vi.leak 3.皮革n.leather 4.合法的adj.legal 5.图书理员n.librarian 6.长度;一段n.length 7.闪电n.lightning 8.执照n.licence 9.液体n.liquid 10.狮子n.lion 11.识字,有文化n.literacy 12.肝脏n.liver 13.装,装货v.load 14.贷款n.&v.loan 15.符合逻辑的adj.logical 16.予致做某事lead to doing sth 17.掀开新的一页turn over a new leaf 18.依靠墙上lean against the wall 19.从失败中吸取教训learn/draw a lesson from failure 20.熟记第五课learn Lesson Five/the fifth lesson by heart 21.动身去意大利leave for Italy 22.做讲座give a lecture 23.把某物借给某人lend sth to sb/ lend sb sth 24.回信answer reply to a letter 25.闯红灯jump the red light 26.把......列一张清单make a list of 27.靠种花为生make/earn a living by growing flowers 28.现场直播这个晚会broadcast the party live 29.坐落于be located in /on 30.期待着收到生日礼物look forward to receiving one's birthday presents [高考考情分析] 题型分类 典题试做 命题解读 语法填空 1.In much of Asia,especially the so-called “rice bowl” cultures of China,Japan,Korea,and Vietnam,food is usually eaten with chopsticks. 2.Over time,as/when the population grew,people began cutting food into small pieces so it would cook more quickly. 1.并列连词(考查的 重点:and,but,or,so,when,while); 2.状语从句的引导词。 短文改错 1.)Before getting into the car,I thought I had learned the instructor's orders,so→but/ye



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