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企业网站的设计与实现 ——后台管理的设计与实现 摘 要:伴随着计算机技术在各行各业日益广泛和深入的应用,网络的 概念早已深入人心。今天的网络在各行各业的发展战略中占据了重要的 位置,成为企业不可分割的部分。企业产品与企业形象的宣传已不只局 限于电视与报纸,网络已成为企业展示自己的另一个舞台。企业建立网 站,将企业各方面的宣传与服务展现于网络中,通过网络更可实现如网 上购物、信息查询等功能,这些在改变我们原有经营方式与经营理念的 同时,也为企业带来了更高的效益。因此,对于一家婚纱影楼来说,拥 有一个属于自己的网站是至关重要的。 本网站提供了一系列的功能,使我们能够全方位的了解影楼,如影 楼简介、最新作品、婚纱出租、客户服务等。 关键词:企业网站;ASP Dreamweave;数据库 Desig n and Impleme ntati on of Corporate Website Design and Implementation of Background Management Abstract: Apply to all professions and trades gradually broad and thorough ,the n etwork con cept is deeply rooted among the people long ago to be accompa nying computer art .Network today has become the in alie nable part of en terprise in the all professi ons and trades developme nt strategy .The en terprise product and the en terprise image propagati ng are confined to TV already not only and newspaper ,the network already become enterprise showing self another stage .Enterprise builds website ,every aspect propagating and service unfold in Yu network with enterprise ,these have also brought higher ben eficial result to higher ben eficial result by the fact that the network may come true if function such as web shopping ,the in formatio n hunt more ,in idea simulta neous cha nging our orig inal mode of bus in ess operati on and managing .Therefore, yarn to one marriage to in spect with image building ,owning a website belonging to self is all-important. That website has provided the fun ctio n a train of ,makes us all-direct ion being able to knowing the image building ,yarn lets out, customer service waits if depicting the building brief introduction , up-to-date work , marriage .Website has several the following parts composition : The brief in troducti on ,up-to-the-mi nute tren ds, work appreciate the home page ,the image building ,marriage yarn rents out, order, covers the friend forum as with a net on the net . Proscenium exploitation implement applies ASP, Dreamweaver , flash ani mated carto on etc, builds the website


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