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药物治疗的合理选择 根据 病情严重程度 轻中度:生活方式调整,容积性、渗透性泻剂,必要时联合用药 重度:选用或联用新型促动力药、促分泌药 顽固性:多学科会诊,个体化治疗 根据便秘分型和临床特点 慢传输型:容积性、渗透性泻剂和促动力药,重者可联用 排便障碍型:生物反馈治疗,可适当选用容积性、渗透性泻剂 IBS-C:常伴睡眠障碍、焦虑抑郁情绪,心理治疗,可选用渗透性泻剂 特殊人群的选用 老年:首选容积性、渗透性泻剂,如有粪便嵌塞,局部灌肠剂;严重病例:短期适量应用刺激性泻剂;孕妇:容积性泻剂、乳果糖、聚乙二醇。 非药物治疗 调整生活方式 纤维素:增加推荐纤维素摄入量20-30g/d 可能出现腹胀;严重STC、出口梗阻型疗效欠佳 饮水:液体低摄入与便秘症状具有相关性 运动:久坐职业发病率是普通人群3倍 建立良好的排便习惯:(1)定时排便:早餐或晚餐后;(2)排便体位:脚凳抬高双脚或蹲位 非药物治疗 生物反馈 原理:MR排粪造影显示,生物反馈治疗→改善盆底肌不协调运动。行为疗法基础上发展的一种新型心理治疗技术,学习正确操作性条件反射→纠正不协调排便 尚不推荐用于无排便障碍型患者 非药物治疗 其他 骶神经刺激 结直肠电刺激:起搏点位于盲肠端,盲肠结肠交界,横结肠中段,降乙交界 体表电刺激:胫神经电刺激,经腹部电刺激,电针疗法 注射肉毒素 粪菌移植 外科手术 谢谢大家 功能性排便障碍 符合FC诊断标准 在反复试图排便过程中,至少包括以下2项 球囊逼出试验或影像学检查证实有排出功能减弱 压力测定、影像学或肌电图检查证实盆底肌肉不协调性收缩(如肛门括约肌或耻骨直肠肌)、或括约肌基础静息压松弛率20% 压力测定或影像学检查证实排便时直肠推进力不足 *诊断前症状至少6个月,近3个月符合以上诊断 分型:不协调性排便,排便推进力不足 Rome IV criteria for IBS-C More than ? (25%) of bowel movements with Bristol stool form 1 or 2 Less than ? (25%) of bowel movements with Bristol stool form 6 or 7 Alternative for epidemiology or clinical practice: Patients report that abnormal bowel movements are usually constipation (like type 1 or 2 in the picture of Bristol Stool Form Scale Lacy BE, et. Al. Gastroenterology 2016;150:1393–1407 Manning’s criteria Abdominal pain relieved by defecation Loose stools with onset of pain More frequent stools with onset of pain Feeling of abdominal distension Mucus Sense of incomplete bowel evacuation Presence of 4/6 diagnostic At least 3 months, with onset at least 6 months previously of recurrent (at least 3 days/month) abdominal pain or discomfort associated with 2 or more of the following Improvement with defaecation /or Onset associated with a change of frequency of stool /or Onset associated with a change in form of stool Rome III criteria Recurrent abdominal pain, on average, at least 1 day per week in the last 3 months, associated with 2 or more of the following criteria: Related to defaecation Associated with a change in frequency of stool Onset associated with a change in form (appearance) of stoo


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