2022学年北师大版高中英语选修六习题:Unit 18 Beauty 18.5 Word版含答案.docVIP

2022学年北师大版高中英语选修六习题:Unit 18 Beauty 18.5 Word版含答案.doc

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精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 最新 精品 Word 欢迎下载 可修改 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 LanguageAwareness3,CultureCorner andBulletinBoard 即时检测 一、单句改错 1The young man is trying to solve the problem on a new way. ? 答案on→in 2I opened the window and see a man in uniform. ? 答案see→saw 3She really didn’t know how to do with the necklace. ? 答案how→what或do→deal 4The woman next to me is famous pianist. ? 答案is后加a 5I will call in my classmates to save water. ? 答案in→on 二、完成句子 1看到妈妈,这个婴儿笑了。                 ,the baby smiled.? 答案Seeing its mother 2他还没到场,一定是堵车了。 He hasn’t turned up.He                        in the traffic jam.? 答案must have been trapped 3他太粗心,以至于花瓶从他手中掉了下来。 He was so careless that the vase             his hand.? 答案dropped from 4她决定号召同事们为这个男孩捐款。 She decided to             her colleagues to raise money for the boy.? 答案call on 5我们应该充分利用每一分钟。 We                   make good use of every minute.? 答案are supposed to 三、阅读理解 We all have ways of getting through a bad day in the office—whether it be a cup of coffee,a bar of chocolate or simply listening to music.Now technology is becoming available that aims to help the daily battle to stay on-task. Will Henshall used to play the guitar in RB band Londonbeat,and he has some very fixed ideas about what you should be listening to at your desk. Is U2 or Snoop Dog on your playlist?Turn it off immediately if you want to get any work done.“Those are the two most distracting(使人分心的) types of music,and they also happen to be two of the biggest selling artists.It turns out that listening to music that you like will distract you,”he said. Mr Henshall has spent several years exploring which music best engages the parts of your brain that aid concentration.His research indicated the best music was something that workers neither liked nor disliked.Music with lyrics(歌词) was too distracting when compared with instrumental(乐器的) music. He has gathered a lot of music together on a website,called FocusatWill.Users can choose from 10 categories—including Classical,Ambien


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