2020--2021学年人教版英语八上-unit 4-第2讲-预习课件.pptxVIP

2020--2021学年人教版英语八上-unit 4-第2讲-预习课件.pptx

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八上预习课Unit 4 What's the best movie theater?会拼读本单元单词短语。会运用重点单词: close, act, winner, talent会运用重点短语:so far, have...in common, all kinds of, be up to, play a role, take...seriouslyPART 03重点短语讲解so far【语境激活】How do you like it so far?【解析】so far表示“到目前为止”;相当于up to now或till now。e.g. Everything is OK so far.exercises根据汉语,翻译句子。到目前为止,你觉得这些才艺节目怎样? , these shows?exercises根据汉语,翻译句子。到目前为止,你觉得这些才艺节目怎样?_d_o _y_o_u li_k_e_ these _t_a_le_n_t_ shows?_Sof_a_r , _h_o_w have...in common【语境激活】All these shows have one thing in common.【解析】common是形容词,意为“共同的;普通的”。 have...in common表示“在...方面有共同之处”。e.g.They are brothers, but they have nothing in common.exercises( ) The girl in the photo is my best friend and we have a lot common.A. at B. on C. in D. toexercises( C )The girl in the photo is my best friend and we have a lot common.A. at B. on C. in D. to【解析】have...in common表示“在...方面有共同之处”。all kinds of【语境激活】All kinds of people join these shows.【解析】kind在此处是名词,意为“种类”。 all kinds of表示“各种各样的”。e.g.There are all kinds of clothes in the clothes store.exercises( ) The supermarket sell salt. Don't be worried about it.A.kind of B. a kind of C.all kinds ofexercises( C )The supermarket sell salt. Don't be worried about it.A.kind of B. a kind of C.all kinds of【解析】A.有点儿;B.一种;C.各种各样的。句意:超市麦各种各样 的盐,不要担心。be up to【语境激活】That’s up to you to decide.【解析】be up to意为“是...的职责;由...决定”。 可以扩展成It is up to sb.to do sth.。e.g. It’s up to you to decide what we have for dinner.play a role【语境激活】When people watch the show, they usually play a role in deciding the winner.【解析】role是名词,表示“角色、任务”。 play a role in表示“在...方面起作用”。e.g. Studying hard plays an important role in getting good grades.exercises( ) My mother plays an important role in everything in my family.A. decideC. decidingB. to decideD. decidesexercises( C ) My mother plays an important role in everything in my family.A. decideC. decidingB. to decideD. decides【解析】play a role in+V-ing 表示“在...方面起作用”。take...seriously【语境激活】But if you don’t take these shows too seriously, they are


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