专题02 2021年佛山二模读后续写20张-2021年各地名校英语模拟题读后续写.pptx

专题02 2021年佛山二模读后续写20张-2021年各地名校英语模拟题读后续写.pptx

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2021年普通高等学校招生 全国统一考试佛山二模续读后写Continuation Writing第二节 (满分25分) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 This was it. Today was the day. Finally, she would be able to see her again. It’d been five long years. Her university days now felt like a lifetime ago. When Jennifer thought back to it, she didn’t like the girl she had been then, but when she thought about Yui Fay, that discomfort disappeared and her whole life lit up. She couldn’t be more excited. She kept imagining theirmeeting — how they would run towards each other, hugging and talking of the old times. As she imagined, happiness spread through her body. It was time to get dressed. As she was struggling about what to wear, she spotted a red summer dress, which she wore that night in Barcelona. She would never forget that night five years before. After a hard week at university, Yui Fay and she spontaneously(心血来潮地)bought bus tickets to Barcelona. They slept on the bus and then spent the whole day exploring the city. In the evening. they met these fun young guys and spent the whole night singing and dancing. Every day with Yui Fay was fun. After university Yui Fay went back to China where she took over her family s business, while Jennifer took the job in an office. They promised to keep in contact. But then life happened. The occasional calls faded with time and they had not talked for over two years. Yet, of all her friends. Yui Fay was still the one she felt the closest to. She knew all her fears, dreams, and her wildest stories. She knew that if something happened, Yui Fay would be there for her no matter what. And vice versa. Some friendships just survive the passage of time. Yet the idea of meeting her was also terrifying. What if …? The idea was too hard to put into words. What if theperson she was so fond of was no longer? What if this dinner turned out to be nothing more than a meeting between two boring businesswomen? At that moment, her cellphone rang.注意 1. 续写词数应为150左右 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答 Jennifer took u



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