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PGE \* MERGEFORMT PGE \* MERGEFORMT 1 社会心理学结课论文范文精选3篇 XX:1006-2076(20XX)05-0100-08 bstrct: he interntionl sport socil psychologicl reserches hve history of more thn 110 yers, but there is no systemtic report on the history until now ll over the world. his study nlyzed the documents conserved in portdiscus to mke cler the cdemic history of sport socil psychology. tudy found tht the scientific reserch of sport socil psychology ppered t the end of 1800s, subsequently it went to low ebb during 1900 to 1929, nd until 1930 to 1959 there ws growth momentum. Benefit of the primry reserches, the notion of socil psychology of sport ws reported t the end of 1960s, consequently the North mericn reserchers led to construct the new discipline during 1970 to 1989, which is the most ctive discipline construction up to now; however, its development momentum stopped during 1990s, lthough there were more relted publictions, there ws little reserch from the disciplines perspective. port socil psychologicl reserches re the mjor prt of sport psychology in the 21st century, but there is still little publiction tht discusses sport socil psychology from the discipline perspective, nd whts more, the North mericn reserchers hve been ignoring the discipline issues of sport socil psychology, insted, the recent publictions re minly from Europen nd Chinese reserchers. 国际体育社会心理学研究者通常将美国学者Normn riplett于1898年发表在《he mericn Journl of Psychology》上的硕士学位论文《he Dynmogenic Fctors in Pecemking nd Competition》看做体育社会心理学研究诞生的标志(如邱卓英和邱宜均,1995;Jowett和Lvllee,20XX;王进,20XX等),如此算来,体育领域中的社会心理学研究已有110多年的历史,但是这门学科的进展进程如何,目前无法查阅到相关报道。本研究根据8部以体育社会心理学为名的著作(Crron,1980;Crtty,1981;黄金柱,1985;Iso-hol和tfield,1986;Russell,1993;gger和Chtzisrntis,20XX;Jowett和Lvllee,20XX;王进,20XX)中介绍的体育社会心理学知识,依托国际体育科学文献数据库portdiscus中储存的相关信息,详细考证了国际体育社会心理学研究的进展历程。 1科学的体育社会心理学研究出现在19世纪末期 人们思考社会心理学问题的历史可以追溯到人类能够顾及彼此的时代,但系统的、科学的社会心理学研究直到19世纪末期才出现(Kssin,Fein和Mrkus,20XX)。当时欧美GJ体育文化蓬勃进展,特别是竞技体育、职业体育和体育传媒的进步,以及现代夏季奥运会的复兴,体育运动中的心




