高二英语模块六 M6U1Reading牛津版.ppt

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1,白纸有什么用? 2,人类一方面破坏自然,一方面又在保护自然,你觉得地球的生物会有怎样的未来? 3,请谈一下你对黑格尔名言“历史给我们的教训是,人们从来都不知道汲取历史的教训”的理解。 4,低收入群体是否代表一个社会的发展水平? 5,请用一种植物比喻国人的国民性。 6.如果你是外星人,在地球住了一段时间要回去了,你最想带回去的东西是什么,为什么? 7.小组讨论,目前中小学生的质疑精神缺失,学生无疑可问,不会提问,没有怀疑精神,你认为造成质疑精神缺失的原因是什么 ? ;Unit 1 Laughter is good for you Reading ;Check the homework;One possible version:;Discussion:;Reading strategy:;Guess the meanings of the underlined;2. Ottawa has given out special passes to some 300 US citizens in that area so they can enter the country when Canadian customs stations are closed, but the US stopped a similar program last May. That forces the people to a 200-mile detour along hilly roads to get home through another border checkpoint. The underlined word “detour” means ______. A. a drive through the town????? B. a race across the fields C. a roundabout way of traveling D. a journey in the mountain area ;3. “My grandmothers didn’t do anything but keep house and serve everybody. They were programmed to do that,” said Emils Comette, head of a chapter of the 7-year-old Red Hat Society. The underlined word “chapter” means ______. A. one branch of an organization B. a written agreement of a club C. one part of a collection of poems D. a period in a society’s history ;Listening practice;3. Crystal has become famous because he always puts a toothbrush in his pocket. 4. Crystal is only popular in western countries. 5. Stand-up is the most well-known and well-loved types of comedy. 6. Laughing can help kill pain. 7. Laughing can help you stay healthy because your brain sends chemicals that are good for you around your body when you laugh.;Fast reading; Smiling makes us attractive. We are drawn to people who smile. Smiling changes our mood, as it can trick the body into feeling better. Smiling is infectious. When someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make them happier. Smiling relieves stress. It helps to prevent us from looking tired. Smiling makes us look hea


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