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无主语句子的翻译 一、翻译为被动语态。 1.1采用It is v-ed that 从句形式。 1) 估计需要十万元。It is estimated that it will cost 100,000 RMB. 2) 据说双方已经同意达成一个解决方法。It is said that both sides have agreed to a solution./Both sides are said to have agreed to a solution. 据推测,该公司下个月就将在中国投资。It is supposed that this company will invest in China next month. 4)事实证明当我们的国家在面临困难时,每个中国人, 不管在国内还是国外,都愿意为自己的祖国做出贡献。(It) It turns out that when our country is facing difficulties, every Chinese, whether at home or abroad, is willing to make contributions to their motherland. 1.2直接被动 1) 那地方讲英语。English is spoken there. 2) 发现了错误,一定要改正。Errors should be corrected when they are discovered. 3) 给了他两天时间来做必要的准备。Two days have been allowed him for making the necessary preparation. 4) 合同中,详细地规划了双方必须履行的各种条件。In the contracts, all kinds of conditions which two sides should follow have been laid down in detail. 5) 进一步深化国有企业改革。The reform of stated-owned enterprises will be further carried out. 6)鼓励国内有比较优势的企业到境外投资办厂。State enterprises with comparative advantages should be encouraged to make investments abroad and set up factories.(注意此句,我开始就选择把境外投资办厂作为了主语,但是导致主语过长很不符合英语习惯,看来被动语态的主语选择也很有学问!!!) 以下几句均是宾语较长,或者有几个宾语,那么就要选择原句的中心词来充当主语。 7) 优先发展科技教育。The priority should be given to the development of science, technology and education. 8) 必须特别强调我国某些高级政府官员贪污腐败的严重性。Special(Strong) emphasis should be placed on the gravity(科技文中用严重性用此词很多) of embezzlement and corruption among some high-ranking officials in China. 9) 到2020年,要努力将人口控制在16亿以下。Efforts should be made to control the population under 1.6b by 2020./ We should strive to control the population under 1.6b by 2020. 10) 以公路建设为重点,加强铁路、机场、天然气管道干线的建设。Emphasis should be placed on highway construction while more efforts will be made in building railways, airports and gas pipelines. 对以下问题,必须经出席会议的董事一致通过,方可作出决定。Decisions on the following items must be made only when unanimously agreed upon by the directors present at the Board meeting. 二、有的时候补出主语其实也不失为一个好方法,一般补为I, We和You. 1 恐怕事情已经闹得一发不可收拾了。I am afraid that things


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