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我的家英语作文初中 My home have five people, my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and me. Grandpa is an old teacher, now retired, although grandpa retired, but grandpa sometimes Also write a diary, writing. Grandpa thought we promise, often teach we can become a useful person. Grandma is a farmer, my grandma at ordinary times is the most painful I, knead in hand afraid I lost, including fear my breakdown in the mouth. Father is a teacher, father is very strict with me, dad must be perfect, I was all want me to learn, I was also want to learn, but is learn not go in. I also admire my father, many of my composition is also often mentioned on dad, I think my father is the greatest dad in the world. My hometown is a small village surrounded on three sides by mountains, side faces. Rich natural resources, beautiful scenery, there is a beautiful and charming summer resort. My favorite is the sea there. Every summer, the sea is the most beautiful dusk, I meet friends, go to sea to play, to paddle. On the surface of the first in a calm, as if asleep, no wind, no waves. Quiet can see reflected on the surface of the shadow. Atop the sky is blue, the sea is blue, days attached to the sea, the sea for days, let a person cant distinguish there is day, where is the sea. Under the setting sun in the evening of the reflecting pool, looks more beautiful, with many colours on the surface color. Suddenly, the surging waves, from the surface appeared a long thin white line, more and more thick, like a bunch of white swan wings and fly. Waves could shore, in front of the back of the sea Ill catch up. A wall of water up to three meters high, like a bunch of pentium horse. The roar of the waves lap the rocks, and the wind sound fuses in together, a sea music of beauty. Into the distance and vaguely can see many small black spots in Marine parade. We can only looked at those warriors with a fierce sea fight. In addition


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