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2021年考研英语:如何解析作文模板? 2021年考研英语:如何解析作文模板? 下面,我们结合一道非常具有代表性的真题来进行作文模板的分析。这道题是2021年英语一大作文题目。 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1 describe the drawing briefly, 2 explain its intended meaning, and then 3 give your comments. You should write neatly on ANSHWER SHEET 2. 20 points 大家肯定对这道题十分熟悉。按照大作文评分标准中的“内容完整”,我们需要将大作文写成3段话:第一段“描述图画”;第二段“阐述寓意”;第三段“个人评论”。这三个要求根本不用去记,因为题目当中已经有了。 第一段的段落思路:“直观评价、整体描述、细节描述、过渡句”。 第一句我们只需要对这幅图画进行直观评价就可以了。可以写成What an interesting picture it is! 怎么记?只要记住这是一个感叹句句式即可。第二句记忆的时候,弄清楚前后两个非限制性定语从句。As is vividly depicted in the photo, a hot pot is boiling a lot of different things with much hot steam gushing, which successfully captures our eyes. 第三句可以写成After a close watch, it is not difficult to find that many kinds of culture have been mixed in the same small hot pot, symbolizing the exchange of many different kinds of culture from all over the world. 在记忆的时候,只需记住是“状语+it形式主语句+主干”即可。Apparently, what the drawing has subtly conveyed deserves a further analysis. 这是最后一句,相信大家能立马分清:这是主语从句。 接着看第二段。第二段的思路是:“关键句总、具体原因分、结果分析”。 例子: Theoretically, the phenomenon presented by the drawing brings us both advantages and disadvantages. As for my part, the former outweighs its latter. On the top of list is that the same earth village could bring us much more commerce opportunities, which help the whole development of the world. In addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore. It is no doubt that more friendly cooperation from different countries may promote the development of diplomatic relations between countries. No other case can better illustrate the phenomenon than the picture above. 其实,第一句就是“主谓宾”的结构,后面的原因句子,“On the top of list is that...”是我们教大家的框架句子。“In addition, there is the other point that...”这样的句式其实就是就是“There be +that从句”。 来看最后一段。段落思路是“关键句+具体建议+结尾句”。由于本题属于“社会现象”,所以可以写成以下段落。记忆这些句子时,注意句式:it形式主语句式、倒装句等。 Accordin


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