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餐厅英语作文写作范文怎么写 The Rock, Zanzibar, Tanzania 石头餐厅,坦桑尼亚,桑给巴尔岛 It would probably be hard to find a more breath-taking location than the one hosting this small restaurant in Zanzibar. The Rock, as its name might imply, is positioned on a rock in the middle of the Indian Ocean, offering its guest a specialpanoramic view on the ocean and the coasts of the small Eastern-African Island. On low tide, the visitors of the restaurant can reach it by foot, whilst on high tide they could use the boat services offered by the restaurant, unless they fancy a swim. 很难再找到一个比非洲坦桑尼亚的桑给巴尔岛上的这个小餐馆更加刺激的地方了。石头餐厅,店如起名,座落于非洲印度洋中的一块大石头上,为顾客提供欣赏大海和小岛海滩风情的独特视角。退潮时,顾客们能直接走进餐厅,涨潮时店家会提供船只服务,如果你想游泳过去,也没有问题。 In past few years, our family likes to go the Appointment Restaurant for dinner now and then. As a child, I don’t think the food in that restaurant is very special. But the environment is good. It is clean and quiet. They like to play soft music. I always think my parents love it just because of the environment. But later, they tell me it is because of the name of the restaurant. They hope our family can realize the appointment that we can have family activity now and then. This is an appointment that they make for me. Hearing their reason, I love the name of that restaurant. 在过去的几年里,我们家喜欢时不时地去约定餐厅吃东西。作为一个孩子,我觉得那家餐厅的食物不是很特别。但是环境是很好。很干净和安静。他们喜欢放轻柔的音乐。我总认为我父母是因为环境才去的。但后来,他们告诉我是因为餐厅的名字。他们希望我们家可以约定好时不时搞点家庭活动。这是一个为了我而定的约定。听了他们的理由,我也喜欢那家餐厅的名字。 Today I would like to introduce my favourite restaurant to you,which is called baihualin and is located near my college JiangNan University. If you ever go, you will always want to eat there. It’s attractive to us students for two reasons. First of all, it’s decorated in an unique way which looks so nonmainstream and special. The shape of the lamps in the restaurant look like bottles which emit yellow lights and when your eyes adjust to that, you will find some interesting pictures and notes written by students on the wall. And


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