儿童读物 神奇树屋 11 - Lions at Lunchtime.doc

儿童读物 神奇树屋 11 - Lions at Lunchtime.doc

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PAGE PAGE 1 Lions at Lunchtime Magic Tree House #11 Chapter 1: Before Lunch Jack and Annie were walking home from the grocery store. Jacks pack was heavy. It held a big jar of peanut butter and a loaf of bread. Are you going to have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? said Annie. Or a peanut butter and honey sandwich? Jack started to answer, but stopped. Oh, man, he whispered. What is it? said Annie. Look at that! said Jack. He pointed to the edge of the Frog Creek woods. In the shadows stood a small, delicate animal. It looked like a tiny deer. Its a sign, whispered Annie. Remember when we saw the rabbit? He was a sign of the Wild West. The dearlike creature leaped into the woods. Jack and Annie didnt stop to think. They followed as fast as they could. Jacks heavy pack thumped against his back as he ran. Finally they stopped and looked around. Where did she go? he said. I dont see her, said Annie. Oh wow. said Annie. She pointed up There was the magic tree house. It was shinning in the noon sun, at the top of the tallest tree in the woods. Its rope ladder swayed in the shadows below. Wheres Morgan? said Annie. Morgan le Fay wasnt waving at them from the window. She wasnt even at the window. I dont know. Lets go up, said Jack. They climbed the ladder and went into the tree house. Sunlight streamed through the window. It lit a stack of books and two scrolls in the corner. The ancient scrolls held the answers to riddles Jack and Annie had solved earlier. Jack took off his heavy pack. Did Morgan leave us a third riddle? said Annie. Looking for someone? said a soft voice. Jack and Annie whirled around. Morgan! said Annie. Morgan le Fay had appeared out of nowhere. She looked ancient and lovely in the bright light. Do you still want to become Master Librarians? she asked Jack and Annie. So you can help me in my work? Yes! they said together. Wonderful, Morgan said. Then she reached into her robe and pulled out a scroll. Youve solved two riddles so far, she said. Here


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