儿童读物 神奇树屋 12 - Polar Bears Past Bedtime.doc

儿童读物 神奇树屋 12 - Polar Bears Past Bedtime.doc

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PAGE PAGE 31 Polar Bears Past Bedtime Magic Tree House #12 Chapter 1: Are You Serious? Whoo. The strange sound came from outside the open window. Jack opened his eyes in the dark. The sound came again. Whoo. Jack sat up and turned on his light. He put on his glasses. Then he grabbed the flashlight from his table and shone it out the window. A white snowy owl was sitting on a tree branch. Whoo, the owl said again. Its large yellow eyes looked right into Jacks. What does he want? Jack wondered. Is he a sign, like the rabbit and the gazelle? A long-legged rabbit and a gazelle had led Jack and Annie to the magic tree house for their last two adventures. Whoo. Wait a second, Jack said to the owl. Ill get Annie. Jacks sister, Annie, always seemed to know what birds and animals were saying. Jack jumped out of bed and hurried to Annies room. She was sound asleep. Jack shook her and she stirred. What? she said. Come to my room, whispered Jack. I think Morgans sent another sign. In a split second, Annie was out of bed. She hurried with Jack to his room. Jack led her to the window. The snowy owl was still there. Whoo, said the owl. Then he raised his white wings and took off into the night. He wants us to go to the woods, said Annie. Thats what I thought, said Jack. Meet you downstairs after we get dressed. No, no. He says go now. Right now, said Annie. Well have to wear our pajamas. I have to put on my sneakers, said Jack. Okay, Ill put on mine, too. Meet you downstairs, said Annie. Jack pulled on his sneakers. He threw his notebook into his backpack. Then he grabbed his flashlight and tiptoed downstairs. Annie was waiting at the front door. They silently slipped outside together. The night air was warm. Moths danced around the porch light. I feel weird, said Jack. Im going back to put on some real clothes. You cant said Annie. The owl said right now. She jumped off the porch and headed across their dark yard. Jack groaned. How did Annie know exactly what the owl said? he



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