福建省福州第三十六中学七年级英语《Unit3 Topic2 SectionC what does your mother do》课件2.ppt

福建省福州第三十六中学七年级英语《Unit3 Topic2 SectionC what does your mother do》课件2.ppt

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One minute dialogue competition 1. brown /braun/ down /daun/ how /hau/ cow /kau/ now /nau/ wow /wau/ /au/_______ 2. boy / b Di/ joy /j Di/ toy / t Di/ / Di/_________ 3. dear /d i?/ hear / h i? / year /j i?/ idea /ai’d i? / /i?/_________ 4. bear /be?/ pear /pe?/ wear /we?/ hair /he?/ /e?/ ________ 5. sure /su?/ /u?/_______ Play a game driver farmer player waiter worker teacher singer actor visitor Project: (talk about photos) What does your… do? He/She is _____________. Where does he/she work? He/She works _______________. Talk about one’s jobs and workplaces Report like this: This is A’s… He/She is a …He works in... This is B’s…He /She is a.... She works in … … Summary 1. What does she do? She is a nurse. 2. What do they do? They are office workers. 3. Where does he do? He works in a school. 4. Where do they work? They work in a hospital. Homework: 1. Recite the dialogue in 1a. 2. Make a survey about what your friend’s parents do and where they work, then make a report (write a short passage). 3. Preview Section C. * * 福州市36中学 王清治 听力 doctor nurse cook farmer hospital restaurant farm office Where does he work? What does he do? He works in a hospital. He is a doctor. Where does he work? What does he do? He works on a farm. He is a farmer. Where does he work? What does he do? He works in an office. He is an office worker. Where do they study? What do they do? They study in a school. They are students. Where do they work? What do they do? They work in a hospital. They are doctors. Where do they work? What do they do? They work in a hospital. They are nurses. 1. What ________your brother do?(doctor) 2. Where ________Maria stu



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