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初中英语听说能力测试模拟题 1 初中英语听说能力测试题 1 (本测试共三大题,满分 40 分) 一、模仿朗读(共 8 分) 听以下短文一遍, 给你 50 秒钟的时间准备, 然后模仿朗读。当听到“开始录音”的信号后, 立即在 50 秒钟内朗读短文,当听到要求“停止 录音”的信号时,应立即中止朗读。 Can you imagine living without arms and legs? That ’s Nick ’. He was born disabled, but hes life never gives up. Though he has to face all kinds of problems and troubles in his life, he deals with them bravely. He tries his best to overcome all the difficulties. He ’s learned to type, surf, play golf and so on. Now he has become a famous speaker. He travels all over the world to encourage people with his true story. 二、信息获取( 20 分) 第一节 听选信息( 2 ×6=12) 听三段对话或独白, 每段播放两遍。 各段播 放前你有十秒钟的阅题时间。 各段播放后有两个 问题。请根据所听到的问题和括号内的提示, 选 择正确的信息在 8 秒钟内口头回答。 听第一段对话,回答第 1-2 两个问题。现在你有 十秒钟的阅题时间。 W: Are you ready for school, Jimmy? M: Yes, Mom. I have put all the books for today in my bag. W: What classes do you have today? M: We have maths and Chinese in the morning, science and English in the afternoon. W: Remember to take your piano lesson in the evening, dear. 1. What is the boy ready for? (school / English lesson / piano lesson) 参考答案: For school. He is ready for school. He’s ready for school. The boy is ready for school. The boy is getting ready for school. 2. When does the boy have a science class? (in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening) 参考答案: In the afternoon. The boy has a science class in the afternoon. He has a science class in the afternoon. The boy ’s science class is in the afternoon. His science class is in the afternoon. 听第二段对话,回答第


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