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【篇一】初中英语写作常用谚语 1、山大无柴,树大空心。 Mountains are big without firewood, trees are big and hollow. 2、儿大不由爷,女大不由娘。 Children cant help their father, but womencant help their mother. 3、明人不做暗事,真人不说假话。 An honest mandoes not do secret things, but a real mandoes not tell lies. 4 、遇着绵羊是好汉,遇着好汉是绵羊。 It is a good man to meet a sheep and a good man to meet a sheep. 5、天不言自高,地不语自厚。 Heaven speaks no louder than earth. 6、麻雀落田要吃谷,狐狸进屋要偷鸡。 Sparrows eat grain when they land, and foxes steal chickens when they enter the house. 7、一笔画不成龙,一锹挖不出井。 A painting is not a dragon, a shovel can not dig a well. 8、有志漂洋过海,无志寸步难行。 It is difficult to cross the sea without ambition. 9、灯不拨不亮,理不辩不明。 If the lamp is not turned on, it is not clear. 10、有车就有辙,有树就有影。 Whenever there is a rut, there are trees and shadows. 11、十里认人,百里认衣。 Ten Li recognize people, one hundred Li recognize clothes. 12、由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难。 Fromthrift to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality is difficult. 13、人怕伤心,树怕剥皮。 People are afraid of sadness, and trees are afraid of peeling. 14、一家不知一家,和尚不知道家。 A monk does not know his family. 15、立如松,坐如钟,卧如弓,行如风。 Stand like a pine, sit like a bell, lie like a bow, walk like the wind. 16、打架不能劝一边,看人不能看一面。 Fighting cant be persuaded to one side, but people cant see the other side. 17、火烧一大片,水流一条线。 The fire burned a large area and the water flowed along a line. 18、出门问路,入乡问俗。 Go out and ask the way, go into the country and ask the custom. 19、强中更有强中手,能人背后有能人。 A strong man has a strong hand, and a capable man has a capable man behind his back. 20、是饭充饥,是衣遮体。 Its food to fill hunger, clothing to cover the body. 【篇二】初中英语写作常用谚语 1、三分种,七分管。 Three species, seven in charge. 2、到什么山上砍什么柴,到什么火候使什么锤。 What wood to cut on what mou


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