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销售经理的英文简历模板 ma Champion 150 Blue Street Winner, Maryland 20000 301-000-0000 OBJECTIVE To obtain an executive sales position with a progressive company. EXPERIENCE XYZ Corp. 1996-Present National and Key Account Manager August 1999-Present Responsible for sales of new national accounts in Washington D.C., Maryland and Virginia with a focus on data services to customers billing over $10,000 per month. Primary duties include: Prospecting for new customers, closing the sale and managing account implementation team to ensure proper installation of services Always 110%-120% of quota Establish relationships with key executives of new and existing accounts Train newly hired national account managers in sales strategies, product line and use of mainframe computer system Major Account Representative December 1997-August 1999 Primary emphasis on providing dedicated voice and data services to customers billing over $5,000 per month. Responsibilities included: Prospecting for new opportunities via cold call, research of leads, and vertical market strategies Focused on application selling of data products Management of contract negotiations with client executive managers Increasing the revenue stream from existing customer base Completed Professional Selling Skills by Learning International, Inc. Account Representative October 1996-December 1997 Responsible for sales, service and retention of new corporate accounts. Daily activity focused on door to door cold calling combined with telephone prospecting and follow-up. AWARDS 3-time Top Performer Award winner 2-time Star Achievement Award winner 2-time Presidents Award winner Vision in Action Award winner Three Month Showdown Award winner Reach for the Stars Award winner PROFESSIONAL STRENGTHS Strong work ethic, accustomed to exceeding employer and customer requirements Excellent communication skills a


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