宁夏石嘴市惠农中学九年级英语 方位介词的用法课件.ppt

宁夏石嘴市惠农中学九年级英语 方位介词的用法课件.ppt

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. Turn right and you’ll see a hotel. 这里使用了“祈使句+and+含有将来时”的句子这一句型,相当于一个条件状语从句。 如:Listen carefully and you’ll understand it. =If you listen carefully, you’ll understand it. Use your head ,and you’ll have an idea. =If you use your head, you’ll have an idea. how to read a map read a map 看报 read traffic signs 看懂交通标志 read a dream 解梦 read one’s hand 看手相 read one’s thoughts 了解某人的心思 Error correction: Can you find the correctly way to the hospital? They are acrossing the road. When will you get to home? He will goes to school by bus. Shall they travel to Hainan? Please tell him don’t to do that again. I don’t know how to see a map. We’ll take the bus for the park. 1.Walk s_____ on and you’ll find the hospital on your left. 2.Turn right at the zebra c_______. 3.C______ the road and you’ll see the museum. 4.There are many foreigners in Jingling H_______ 5.Read the passage and find the c______ answer. 6.I’ll meet you at the e______ of the cinema. 7.An old woman is standing at the c_______ of the street. 8.A z ____ has some stripes on its body. 1.Turn left at the second crossing.(改为否定句) 2.Cross the road .You see the museum.(连接为并列句) 3.I think we’ll have to go up again.(改为否定句) 4.He can read a map.(改为一般疑问句) 5.He wants to learn the road signs.(改为一般疑问句) across 意为从一边到另一边“横过”、“穿过”,相当于from one side to the other.如: Be careful when you walk across the street. 过马路时你应小心。 How many bridges are there across the Changing River? 长江上有几座桥? along along意为“沿着,循着” 如: We walk along the road. 我们沿着路 走。 That car drove along the river. 那辆车沿着那条河向前行驶。 over “越过,、从…上边过去” The boy climbed over the wall. 那孩子爬过了墙。 There is a bridge over the river. 河上有座桥。 up 可以作介词和副词,意为“往上”,“向…上” . He climbed up a mountain. 他爬上了山。 He walked up the stairs. 他从楼梯往上走 . down 做副词,表示从高处往下。“向…下”或“沿着…往下”。如: The sun went down. 太阳落山了。 The ship sails down the river. 那艘船顺流而下。 round 介词,意思是“环绕 ”、“围绕”。如: The


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