(完整word版)独家代理协议 中英文.docx

(完整word版)独家代理协议 中英文.docx

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(完整word版)独家代理协议 中英文 独家代理协议EXCLUSIVE AGENCY AGREEMENT No: Place: Tianjin, China Date: 此协议是双方在公平互利根底上,按双方同意的以下条件进展业务关系: This Agreement is made among the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefits to develop on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows: 1. 协议双方 The Parties Concerned 甲方:乙方:_ Party A: Party B: 地址:地址: Add: Add: 电话:电话: Tel: Tel: 传真:传真: Fax Fax: 2. 独家代理权的授予 Appointment of Exclusive Agent: 甲方正式委任乙方为其在第四条所列区域的独家代理商,乙方承受甲方的委任。甲方同意不挺直或间接、或与其他任何非乙方的第三方单位建立契约关系来销售附件二中的产品到代理区域。乙方承诺在上述区域内不销售非甲方生产的上述同类型产品。 Party A hereby appoints Party B as its exclusive agent in the territory stipulated in Article 4, and at the same time, Party B accepts the appointment of Part A unanimously. Party A agrees not to enter into a contractual relationship with any third party entity in order to sell the product in the Annex Ⅱto the territory, Party B agrees not to sell similar of other manufacturers in territory. 3. 商品和销售数量: Commodity and Quantity: 3.1 指附带有附件一列明的商标并在附件二中详细列出的产品Products shall mean the product shown in Annex 2 with the trademark exactly mentioned Annex 1 herein. 3.2 销售数量:甲方要求乙方代理销售的数量。本合同有效期内不低于。 Sale target: the quantity that party A requires party B sale. Sale not less than pieces during the validity of this agreement. 4. 代理区域: Territory: 仅限于韩国、新西兰、澳大利亚 In Korea, New Zealand, Australian 5. 价格和付款: Price and Payment terms: 5.1 价格:甲方同意赐予乙方相关系列产品最优待的人民币价格〔或每种产品的具体价格表,见附件三〕 Prices: Party A agrees to provide Party B the most favorable price for the produced produces.〔Annex Ⅲ〕 5.2付款方式:双方都同意的付款方式(或双方详细进展商定,如付款用法信誉证〔或其他方式〕,由乙方开出,以甲方为受益人。信誉证须在装运日期前天到达甲方。)。 Terms of payment: by the terms agreed and accepted by each both parties.〔Payment shall be made by confirmed, irrevocable l/c opened by the party B in favor of party a , which shall reach party a days before the date of shipment. 〕 6. 销售价格: Sale price : 货物的价格在第五条所列价格的根底上浮动不超过。 The price is based on the commodity stipulate in Article 5,which is floated no more than . 7.销售嘉奖政策: Sales reward policy:


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