英语选修九译林牛津版U 2 Witnessing time同步课件(共24张)词汇.pptVIP

英语选修九译林牛津版U 2 Witnessing time同步课件(共24张)词汇.ppt

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Word power   Throughout history, the English language borrowed many words from other languages.   Read the passage in Part A and find out the answers to the questions. Words related to science and technology. 1. What words does Greek contribute to  the English language? Because the Greeks made a huge contribution to the field of science and technology. 2. Why did so many scientific words come  from Greek?   Say out the Chinese meanings of the borrowed words in blue in Part A. borrowed words from Greek sport science prefixes suffixes others music theatre technology bicycle television plastic anti- auto- bio- kilo- micro- (-ism -ist -ize ) -phone -scope gymnasium athlete stadium marathon theatre tragedy comedy music orchestra chorus choir pyramid mechanic museum ocean mystery photo democracy   Read the passage in Part C and fill in the blanks using words from Part A and Part B. Answers: (1) theatre       (2) music (3) choir / chorus    (4) History (5) museums      (6) Geography (7) Science       (8) technology   Read Part D and try to translate them into Chinese. 1 心灵美胜于身材美。 --- 伊索 2 有道德的人更美。 --- 莎孚 3 被人羡慕胜于遭人怜悯。 --- 泰利斯 4 不能控制自己的人不自由。 --- 毕达哥拉斯 5 将健康的心灵保持在健康的躯体中。 --- 苏格拉底 How many historic sites in the world do you know? Are you familiar with these famous Chinese historic sites? The Summer Palace The Forbidden City The Ming Tombs The ruins of Yuanmingyuan   Nowadays many historic sites have been damaged, leaving only part of the ruins. Do you think it is necessary to rebuild them? What do you know about the historic sites in the following pictures? Warming up The Colosseum   The Colosseum of Rome, built nearly 2000 years ago, is considered to be one of the greatest archaeological monuments in the world. The Colosseum was designed to hold as many as 50,000 spectators. It was mainly used for sporting events. Today the wonder is in a partially ruined state and the Italian government has been trying to restore the fam


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