英语选修6人教新课标Unit 1 Art(浙江)同步课时导学案:第1学时.pptVIP

英语选修6人教新课标Unit 1 Art(浙江)同步课时导学案:第1学时.ppt

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Art 第一学时 Reading and Comprehension 1.Are you interested in drawing or painting?When did you begin to learn to draw? 答案:I am interested in drawing.When I was a little child,I began to learn to draw.I was once sent to a local palace to study drawing. ( I do not like drawing.I have no gift for it.I just learned to draw when I was studying in primary school.) 2.Do you have some collection of works of art at home?What are they if any? 答案:Yes.My father is fond of traditional Chinese paintings,so he has collected quite a few at home. ( All my family show no interest in art,so there is no collection of works of art in my home.) 3.Can you name some of the famous artists at home and abroad?Which is your favorite one? 答案:There are lots of famous artists both at home and abroad,such as Qi Baishi. Task 1 快速阅读课文A Short History of Western Painting,用大约30词写出课文的概要。 温馨提示:本文属说明文。写说明文的概要时要弄清说明的对象,抓住其特征,理清结构。 _________________________________________________ 答案:The text tells us a brief history of western painting and introduces the characteristic of each period:the Middle Ages,the Renaissance,the Impressionism and Modern Art. Task 2 仔细阅读A Short History of Western Painting,选择正确答案。 1. What were the artists interested in from 5th to 15th century? A.They were interested in showing nature and people as they really were. B.They were interested in creating respect and love for God. C.They showed great interest in painting humans and nature. D.They showed little interest in religious themes. 答案:B 2.Which of the following can best replace the word“ridiculous”in the text? ( ) A.detailed         B.foolish C.careful D.laughable 3.People didnt like the way the impressionists painted be-cause ________. A.the painters were careless and ridiculous B.the painters painted their pictures in a careless and ridiculous way C.their paintings were not as detailed as those of earlier painters D.their paintings were not as rea


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