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According to The Economist, one large study cited in Nestles book found that“for each (12-ounce) can added to a persons daily diet, the risk of diabetes jumped by 22 percent. There are also links between sugar and heart disease, obesity, stroke and cancer”. Unlike fruits or even a Big Mac, sweet drinks have no nutritional value. A 12-ounce (340-gram) can of Coke, for example, has 140 calories and 39 grams of sugar but no protein or fiber. Nestle also points out that drinking a lot of soda has a broader cost. Chronic diseases caused by unhealthy diets can create a burden for a countrys health care system. Increased health awareness has turned a lot of US consumers against soda. On a political level, lawmakers are also waging a war against Big Soda. Thirty-three US states are taxing soda or sugar-sweetened drinks, while some are considering introducing warning labels for soda ads and soda products. ??? ? ??? ? ??? ? ??? ? 答案 [写作提示] 本文是说明文,文章认为每天喝苏打水对健康有害。文章段落比较清楚,可以根据自然段来概括要点。 One possible version: This article points out people who drink Coke every day are popular with Big Soda, whose prod-ucts contain a lot of calories. (要点1) In her recent book, Marion Nestle emphasizes that it is un-healthy to drink soda every day. (要点2) Some measures should be taken to combat Big Soda, in-cluding raising awareness of health, improving relevant
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