2022年冀教版《Lesson15 The Zoo Is Open》课件 (1).pptVIP

2022年冀教版《Lesson15 The Zoo Is Open》课件 (1).ppt

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Lesson 15: The Zoo Is Open take photos nearly的用法 I. Learning aims: Master the new words: danger, dangerous, mainly, bamboo, giraffe II. Learning important and difficult points: dangerous danger mainly bamboo giraffe New Words Think About It ! ▲Have you ever been to the zoo? ▲ What animals do you think are dangerous? Why? ▲ What rules should we obey at the zoo? Let’s Do It ! In a group of three, act out a trip to the zoo. Each group member takes one of the three roles (Brian, Jenny or Danny). Try changing the story. Be creative! Language Points 1. Why can’t we take photos? 我们为什么不能拍照? take photos“照相〞。也用take pictures,还可以用take a photo (=take a picture)来表达“拍照,照相〞之意。 We took some photos in the zoo. 我们在动物园里拍了一些照片。 其他拍照的说法:take a photo of sb. 给某人拍照, have one’s photos taken 请人给自己拍照。I had my photos taken in front of Tian’an men Square.我请人在天安门广场前拍了几张照片。 2. It’s nearly noon. 将近正午了。 nearly adv. “几乎,差不多,将近〞,其同义词是almost。 It’s nearly eight o’clock. 差不多8点钟了。 Nearly everyone knows him. 几乎所有的人都认识他。 3. Maybe the pandas could eat some grass instead of bamboo. 也许熊猫可以吃些草来代替竹子。 instead of作为短语介词,意为“代替〞,后面常接名词、代词和V-ing形式。instead单独使用的时候作副词用,常位于句末。如: If I hadn’t got a cold, I’d be working instead of lying here in bed. 如果我没有感冒,我就会一直工作,而不是躺在床上。 Exercises What he said yesterday ____________ (使惊奇) us a lot. 2. John knows the _______ (危险) of driving fast. 3. The ______ (疯的) dog was killed by the farmers. 4. Lets find the e__________ and go into the cinema. The film has begun. 5. Brian is a l________ boy, and no one likes him. 6. The boy felt so scared. The car n_______ hit him. early I. 根据汉语或首字母提示, 完成以下句子。 surprised danger mad ntrance azy 1. Its time for us _______ (go) home. 2. They ________ (arrive) in Beijing yesterday afternoon. 3. __________ (not throw) food to the animals! 4. Mr. Lin wants to take photos of _____ (we). us II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 to go arrived Dont throw 1. The alarm clock woke me _____ at six oclock this morning. 2. Maybe the boy went into


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