公开课获奖《Unit5 Amazing things Reading 2》 课件(公开课) .ppt

公开课获奖《Unit5 Amazing things Reading 2》 课件(公开课) .ppt

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3.在一颗大树下坐下 one Sunday morning as usual sit down under a big tree turn around be afraid on the/one’s way home tell him everything listen carefully search the bushes say to oneself a weak cat 12. 听起来像 13. 捡起,拾起 14. 感到惊讶 15. 那天的晚些时候 16. 带那只小猫去宠物中心 17. 迅速跑开 18. 奇怪的声音 sound like pick up be surprised later that day take the little cat to the animal centre run away quickly the strange sound Do B1 by yourself 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. c 6. c Finish B4 and read it in pairs. 1.whisper 2.afraid 3. bushes 4.weak 5.miaowed 6. animal As usual 像往常一样 1和往常一样吉姆忘记关门了。 As usual, Jim forgot to close the door. 2今天晚上他和平常一样工作努力。 He worked hard as usual tonight. 他跟平时一样迟到了吗? 跟平时一样,他没有跟妈妈道别就去上学了。 usual unusual adj usually unusually adv. as before 他还跟以前一样乐于助人。 He is still helpful as before. than usual 他会比平时晚来一点。 He will come later than usual. than before 我现在比以前更努力学习。 I study harder than before now. Whisper n. v. 他正低声说话。 He is talking in a whisper. He is whispering. 他低声告诉了我这件事。 角落里有些孩子正在低语。 turn n. v. take turns to do sth. = do sth in turns 我们轮流玩电脑游戏。 We take turns to play computer games. =We play computer games in turns. 我们轮流清扫教室好吗? Turn on/off 开/关 Turn up/ turn down 把声音调高/低 turn around/round 转过身去 1 她转过身看着我。 She turned around and looked at me. 2 当Lily听到奇怪的声音时她转过了身。 Lily turned around when she heard the strange noise. 3 他们转过身但没有发现什么异样的东西 They turned around but didn’t find anything unusual. nothing不定代词 something else anything unusual 形容词必须放在不定代词的后面。 1 我的电脑出问题了。 There is something wrong with my computer. 2 今天的报纸上有什么有趣的东西吗? Is there anything interesting in today’s newspaper? something , anything, nothing , everything 门口有个人。 There is someone/ somebody at the door. 门口有人吗? Is there anyone/ anybody at the door ? 门口没有人。 There is no one/ nobody at the door. on one’s/ the way (to s.p.) 在去……的路上 1在去学校的路上她发现了一


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