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上海市实验学校2021届高三第一周周考 英语试题 II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank? Last summer, I had just enough money (21) (save) to buy a golden ticket - a 3-month train pass that would take me to the furthest reaches of Europe? Excited for my journey, I packed all the necessities ■- (22) the guidebook? While the convenience of the Internet was definitely (23) contributing factor to my decision not to carry the few expensive kilograms of out-of-date information in my suitcase, this was not the only reason I decided to fly solo. To be honest, my main problem with the guidebook is that I find it limits a journey - like a bossy aunt (24) is always telling you what to do, although she doesn*t always know what is best. Sometimes its better to read outside the lines. Sometimes its better not to read any lines at all. Experience has taught me that there is a distinction between a tourist and a travele匚(25) waiting in a queue to see Michelangelo^ David in Florence, I met a man who had a checklist. He showed me his list of HTop 20 things to do it Italy1* and boasted that he had seen everything Italy had to offer in just four days? The problem that I had with this maifs approach to (26) (travel) was that he was focused on ticking the boxes which were provided by his guidebook. He (27) (lose) in the list of the Hmust-seesH and blind to all that was happening around him? Guidedbook-less (28) we were, my companion and I tasted the joy of being a traveler when visiting Estonia, the Baltic country bordering Russia. Arriving on nothing more than a whim (突发的念头),we had no option but (29) (approach) some friendly faces for advice? We introduced ourselves and asked them what was happening around town? When this resulted in an invit



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