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? ? ? ? ? 弗雷德里克·艾德斯坦-详解 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (重定向自Fredrik Idestam) 弗雷德里克·依德斯塔姆(Fredrik Idestam)——诺基亚创始人 目录 1 弗雷德里克·依德斯塔姆简介 2 Fredrik Idestam 3 Appendix 弗雷德里克·依德斯塔姆简介   弗雷德里克·依德斯塔姆(Fredrik Idestam,October 28, 1838, Tyrv?nt?, Finland - April 8, 1916, Helsinki) 是芬兰一名采矿工程师。   弗雷德里克·艾德斯坦25岁时筹划开办一家细磨木浆工厂。这个芬兰人曾在国外学习,并取得了经营许可证。在萨克森州,他熟悉了造纸业的一项新工序,磨木浆技术。他将这项技术带回了芬兰,这个被赋予丰富森林资源和水资源的国度。   1865年,诺基亚创始人弗雷德里克·依德斯塔姆(Fredrik Idestam)在芬兰的“诺基亚河”沿岸创建了一家木材纸浆厂,取名诺基亚。诺基亚公司於1865年成立之后,当地人开始更常用诺基亚来指称当时正欣欣向荣的整个工业区。为了表彰当地最大的工业设施和雇主,1937年建立的Pohjois-Pirkkala镇於一年后改名为诺基亚镇。1977年,诺基亚镇又升格为诺基亚市。诺基亚市的市徽上便是一只黑貂爬行於一条蓝溪中。 从那以后,诺基亚公司走过了一条漫长的发展道路,不断剥离非核心业务,并于 20世纪90年代做出了以移动通信为核心业务的决定。这一决定成就了全球移动通信的领导者,今天的诺基亚。 Fredrik Idestam   Knut Fredrick Idestam (October 28, 1838, Tyrv?nt?, Finland – April 8, 1916, Helsinki) was a Finnish mining engineer and businessman, best known as a founder of Nokia.   In May 1865, Idestam obtained a permit to construct a groundwood paper mill at Tampere, Finland. The mill began operations in 1866. In 1871, Idestam and Leo Mechelin founded Nokia Ltd. and moved the companys operations to the city of Nokia, Finland.   Idestam retired from management of the company in 1896.   Fredrik Idestam imported wood-pulping technology from Germany, building Finlands first commercially successful groundwood pulp mill and later chemical pulp and paper mills. The industrial plants which he founded gradually developed into todays Nokia Group. In Idestams view, the common good of the paper industry required a cessation of export competition. He was a key figure in the establishment of paper producers associations.   Fredrik Idestams training was in Mining, in which he held a Masters degree; and, following in his fathers footsteps, he planned a career as a civil servant in the Board of Mines of the Grand Duchy of Finland. In 1863 - 64, on a Finnish Senate (government) scholarship, Idestam undertook further studies in basic metals in Germany at the School of Mines (Bergakademie) in Freib


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