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浙江省高中证书会考作文基本模式 一、书面表达评价要点: 1、内容要全面 2、审题要细致:体裁 — 主体人称和主体时态要准确; 3、四大句式要套牢; 1)系表结构:主语 +连系动词 +表语。 (主语的状态) 2 )主谓结构:主语 +及物动词 + 宾语 主语 +不及物动词 +状语(主语的动作) 3)存在的有: There be+ 主语 +地点状语 4 )祈使句:动词原形 + 。。。。/Don ’t+动词原形 + 。。。。(命令、建议、要求、请求 ) 4.连接要自然, 重视有效的意义连接。 5、绝对不能一段到底、至少三段。 6、一定要打草稿,保证卷面的干净! 二、书信作文要点 1、 书信:第一、二人称;现在时态为主; 2、 分三段( P1、目的; P2、主体; P3 联系方式和问候) 写信地址 写信时间 Dear xxx, How are you? I ’ mXXX. I ’ mvery glad to receive your letter.I ’writingm to tell you something about … … .I was born … I graduated from X University. I ’ m very interested in … and I do well in once won the first prize/took the first place in an English contest …. By the way ,you are welcome to call me up or write to me. My telephone number is 88 … .. and I live at xxx Street, Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Pleasegive me some advice on how to do… .I ’ m looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible./I ’ m waiting for your early reply With my best wishes, Yours, XXX 三、日记作文要点 1、日记:第一人称为主;过去时态为主; 2、分三段( P1、活动或事件背景; P2、过程介绍(按时间或空间顺序) ;P3、总结或体会) December28th,2003 Fine It is Sunday and sunny today.My friend Bob and I were walking along the street when we suddenly saw …. In this way we did a good deed/found a way out. Early this morning, my classmates and I gathered at the school gate and then set off for …XXX welcomed us warmly at the gate and showed us around the … Soon it was getting dark, so we had to say good-bye to XXX and went away home. In a word, we have benefited a lot from the visit. 四、议论文作文要点 1、议论文:以第一或第三人称为主,现在时态为主; 2、2 、分三段 第一段:议论的背景 第二段:不同观点的陈述 第三段:个人观点的陈述或总结 Recently we have had a discussion/debate/survey about 。1)Our views are divided into two. 2)sb。 have different views 。3)It/ Doing … has both ist advantages and disadvantages. Some of us/them think it is necessary/important/useful for us to do sth for the following reasons. First, … .Second,





