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广州英文导游词 广州,简称穗,别称羊城、花城。广州是国家历史文化 名城,是岭南文化分支广府文化的发源地和兴盛地之一。以 下是关于广州景点的英文导游词,希望对大家有帮助。 广 州 英 文 导 游 词 : 广 州 六 榕 寺 英 语 导 游 词 The Six Banyan Temple in Guangzhou is a 1400yearold Buddhist monastery, dating from 537AD during China ’s Southern and Northern Dynasties Period, when Buddhism in China was in its prime. Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty in South China was the most zealous devotee of Buddhism amongall the emperors throughout the history of China. At that time, a Buddhist priest called Tanyu, who was a maternal uncle of Emperor Wu, was planning to bring the Buddhist relic they got in Cambodia to Guangzhou from Nanjing. To await the arrival of this Buddhist relic, the then governor of Guangzhou, Xiao Yu by name, specially had this temple built. The original structure of the temple was destroyed by fire in the middle of the 10th century during the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty. The existing temple was built in 989 and the pagoda was reconstructed in 1097. This temple has got different names. In 1100, when Su Dongpo, a celebrated writer and calligrapher of the Northern Song Dynasty, came to visit the temple and was asked to leave a piece of his calligraphy in the temple, he wrote down two Chinese characters Liu Rong, meaning Six Banyan in English, because he was deeply impressed by the six banyan trees then growing in the temple. Since then the temple has been commonly known as the Six Banyan Temple and the pagoda, the Six Banyan Pagoda. Nowthe facsimiles of these two characters can still be seen engraved on the stone tablet in a corridor and on the slab over the lintel of the front



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