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北京市延庆区2020-2021学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 第一部分 知识运用 (共两节; 每小题1.5分,满分30分) 第一节: 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分) Some dreams take longer to come true than others, but with the help of st-century social media and her great-grandson, at the age of 110, one British woman is ____1____ hers at long last. At the end of World War I, Amy Hawkins was a 7-year-old child who loved nothing more than to ____2____. As a teen, Hawkins set her ____3____ on becoming an entertainer. Hawkins was on her way, touring the country with a dance troupe (歌舞团) — until her ambition was ____4____ by her mom, who didn’t see it as a respectable ____5____ for a young lady. All these years later, the 110-year-old lady lives at home in Monmouth, South Wales, surrounded by her loved ones. The four-generation family unit includes her granddaughter, Hannah Freeman, and Freeman’s 14-year-old son, Sacha. Even though she’s no longer doing it ____6____, Hawkins has never stopped singing. “She’s like a clock, once you wind her up she won’t stop,” Freeman said in an interview. “She just keeps asking, ‘Would you ____7____ another one?’.” On Hawkins’ 110th birthday, Sacha ____8____ his great-gran singing one of her favorite WWI tunes. When Freeman jokingly suggested Sacha post it to TikTok, neither of them could have ____9____ the overwhelmingly positive response it would receive, reaching 100,000 views and a large number of emotional praises in just days. Some journeys take longer than others. Sometimes, we’re detoured (绕路) along the way. Dreams can and do come true every day. While it’s been a long time coming, Amy Hawkins is ______10______ a whole new generation of fans. 1. A. reflecting B. realizing C. recalling D. researching 2. A. sing B. study C. paint D. film 3. A. values B. limits C. sights D. hands 4. A. cut back B. cut in C. cut through D. cut short 5. A. method B. grade C. level D. occupation 6. A. nervously B. professionally C. reasonably D. secretly 7. A. bring B. have C. like D. read 8. A. caught B. videoed C.



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