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二组小伙伴们:刘非凡 王姣 范灵敏 宋亚薇; Marry me!;Differences between Chinese and Western wedding; 婚礼地点 Wedding Location; For us Chinese, wedding to do was lively, invited many relatives and friends, so the wedding locations are generally chosen in traffic convenience, a spacious (宽敞的)courtyard or hotel.;The wedding ceremony hold in a church or outdoor in a western country.;婚礼服饰 Wedding Dress; Chinese weddings main colours are red, this is Chinese traditional representative festival color, generally wear red gowns bride.;Western wedding‘s main colours are white.In Western weddings, the bride usually always wear white wedding, representing the holy (圣洁的)and faithful(忠诚的).;; fetch the bride(迎亲);wedding process;Wedding Ceremony;闹洞房: To tease the new couple ;The wedding process of westerns;;A promise to each other;The exchange of rings;All eyes turn to her as she slowly moves forward to take her place beside the bridegroom in front of the clergyman.;Through the bouquet;Large party ;中西方在婚俗上面有以上种种的差异,这和中西方人在思想思维的差异有直接的联系。中国人比较保守,喜欢热闹,思维较古板,所以在中国历史几千年的时间里整个婚礼的习俗并没有多大的变化。直到近代西方的文化传入以后,中国的传统文化才开始向西方转化,但在很大的程度上任有中国传统婚俗的礼仪。而中国人爱热闹的性格在中国传统婚礼中可以得到充分的体现。;Another cause is due to differences between the West and China different religions. China is a predominantly Buddhist(佛教), but the West is largely Christian. So the wedding is in the Western church is the priest at the officiate. Chinese marriage customs of the most important part is preparing for the wedding, thanks to the world even after the ceremony has become. ;Now,let us look at the screen`s wedding;All shall be well, Jack shall have jill.


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