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四年级语法(yǔfǎ)专项复习 西把栅中心校 贾彩霞(cǎixiá) 第一页,共13页。 Say words quickly whose what time how much how many where who what what colour how 第二页,共13页。 Say words quickly whose what time how much how many where who what what colour how 第三页,共13页。 Finish the exercises 1.__________are your pants? Blue. 2.__________is it now? It’s ten o’clock. 3.______is the library? It’s on the first floor. 4._____do you like this hat? It’s very nice. 5._____is that girl? She’s my sister. 6.__________is that shirt? It’s twenty yuan. 7._______pants are those? They’re your father’s. 8._____are those? They’re horses. 9._________students are there in your class? Forty-five. 选词(xuǎn cí)填空 where (what colour) how (how many ) (how much) (what time) who what whose What colour What time Where How Who How much Whose How many What 第四页,共13页。 情境(qíngjìng)对话 来到商店(shāngdiàn),售货员和你说的第一句话是什么? 你要去办公室交作业,来到(lái dào)一个房间,你想问“这是办公室吗?” 应怎样说: 同学来到你家做客,你想问她是否喜欢吃梨,你应该说: Can I help you? Is this the teacher’s office? Do you like pears? 第五页,共13页。 一般(yībān)疑问句 用Yes或No来回答(huídá)的句子. ☆ 以be动词、do和can开头(kāi tóu)的问句叫一般疑问句. 一般疑问句翻译为“……吗?” 第六页,共13页。 一般(yībān)疑问句的变法 This is the teacher’s office.(变成一般(yībān)疑问句) He can go outside now.(变一般(yībān)疑问句) Is this the teacher’s office? This is my desk.(变成一般疑问句) Can he go outside now? I like pears.(变一般疑问句) Do you like pears? Is this your desk? I can go outside now.(变成一般疑问句) Can you go outside now? 第七页,共13页。 一般(yībān)疑问句的变法 如果原句中是am的话(dehuà),要将I am改为are you 如果原句中没有be动词和can,而是动词的话(dehuà),要在句首加上do并大写(句中有I变成you),句尾加问号. 原句中有is、are和can,要把is、are、can提前并大写,句尾句号变问号。 I am a student.(变成一般疑问句) Are you a student? (句中有I变成you, my变成your, our变成your) 第八页,共13页。 Finish the exercise They are goats. This is a hen. I like those pants. My shoes are red. That is your dress. Those are Mike’s hats. These are Sarah’s blue pants. You can try them on. I can help you. Are they goats? Is this a hen? Do you like those pants? Are your shoes red? Is that my dress? Are those Mike’s hats? Ar


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