2020-2021学年高二上英语Unit 2 The United Kingdom训练五解析版.docVIP

2020-2021学年高二上英语Unit 2 The United Kingdom训练五解析版.doc

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PAGE PAGE 1 Unit 2 The United Kingdom训练五 课后练习 一 二 三 四 单项选择 完形填空 语法填空 改错 单项选择(句型练习+语法提升) 1.(2019春?天桥区校级期末)A cook will be immediately fired if he is found_____ in the kitchen.(  ) A.smoke B.to smoke C.smoking D.smoked 2.(2019?和平区模拟)Amie Salmon,disabled,is attended throughout her school days by a nurse ______to guard her.(  ) A.to appoint B.appointing C.appointed D.having appointed 3.(2019秋?麦积区校级月考)To keep the Milu deer safe, they some soldiers to protect them.(  ) A.have arranged B.have arranged for C.arranged D.found 4.(2019春?吉林校级期中)The professor tried his best to make the students__________what he was saying but he found it hard to make himself ___________.(  ) A.understand; understand B.understand; understood C.understood; understood D.understood; understand 5.(2019秋?怀柔区期末)What's the language ______ in Germany?(  ) A.speaking B.spoken C.speak D.to speak 6.(2019?红桥区一模)The purse found on the playground matches the ______ by Mary,so it must be hers.(  ) A.direction B.expression C.description D.instruction 7.(2019?东城区模拟)_______ with so much trouble,we failed to complete the task on time.(  ) A.Faced B.Face C.Facing D.To face 8.(2019春?温州期中)_____________________ of his parents,he made great progress.(  ) A.To their much delight B.To the much delight C.To much their delight D.Much to the delight 9.(2019?陕西)Back from his two﹣year medical service in Africa,Dr.Lee was very happy to see his mother __________ good care of at home.(  ) A.taking B.taken C.take D.be taken 10.(2019?重庆)___________ in the poorest area of Glasgow,he had a long,hard road to becoming a football star.(  ) A.Being raised B.Raising C.Raised D.To raise 1.【句意】如果一个厨师当场被发现在厨房吸烟会被立刻解雇. 答案是C.本题考查分词的用法.题干中考查了动词find后接分词做宾语补足语的用法:1)现在分词做宾语补足语,即find sb./sth.doing表示"发现…在做某事;发现…处于某种持续的状态",分词和宾语之间是主动(主谓关系);2)过去分词做宾语补足语,即find sb./sth.done表示"发现…被…",分词和宾语之间是被动关系(动宾关系);根据语境;发现厨师在厨房吸烟"find a cook smoking in the kitchen",其被动结构"a cook is found smoking in the kitchen", 故选:C. 2.【句意】Amie Salmon是一个残疾人


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