2020-2021学年高二上英语Unit 2 The United Kingdom训练三解析版.docVIP

2020-2021学年高二上英语Unit 2 The United Kingdom训练三解析版.doc

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PAGE PAGE 1 Unit 2 The United Kingdom训练三 课后练习 一 二 三 四 单项选择 完形填空 语法填空 改错 单项选择(句型练习+语法提升) 1.(2019春?荔湾区校级期中)Most of the people ________ to the English party were my classmates.(  ) A.invited B.to invite C.being invited D.inviting 2.(2019秋?和平区校级期末)With a lot of difficult problem _____,the newly﹣elected president is having a hard time.(  ) A.settled B.settling C.to settle D.being settled 3.(2019春?潮州期末)﹣﹣﹣Catherine,I have cleaned the room for you. ﹣﹣﹣Thanks.You ______ it.I could manage it myself.(  ) A.needn't to B.needn't have done C.mustn't do D.shouldn't have done 4.(2019秋?珠海月考)When we got there,he was about to leave,so he only had time to explain _____ to us what he thought of our plan.(  ) A.carefully B.impatiently C.roughly D.repeatedly 5.(2019秋?珠海月考)Mike lost the pen he paid 10 yuan.(  ) A.to which B.which C.for that D.for which 6.(2019秋?东湖区校级期中)You see,she's losing her temper now.Let's ________ her ________.(  ) A.leave;alone B.leave;out C.leave;off D.leave;behind 7.(2019秋?广州校级期中)Because all the other classmates had known each other quite well, he found himself, the new comer of the class, ______ whenever there were some class activities.(  ) A.stood out B.left out C.picked out D.crossed out 8.(2019秋?珠海月考)With a lot of difficulties ___,they went to the seashore and had a good rest.(  ) A.settled B.settling C.to settle D.being settled 9.(2019秋?江阴市期中)While he was on the bus,he _______ a piece of news that some young teachers of their city would be sent to work in Tibet for a year.(  ) A.picked up B.picked out C.take on D.get through 10.(2019春?西城区校级期中)He tried to deal with the increasing burden of his work,but he finally ________ and had to take a complete rest.(  ) A.broke off B.broke away C.broke out D.broke down 1.【句意】很多被邀请到英语聚会的人是我的同学. 答案:A 这句话使用非谓语动词作定语修饰people,因people与invite之间存在被动关系可知,此处应该用过去分词作定语;being invited表示"正在被邀请",与句意不符,排除C项.BD都是表示主动,故选A. 2.【句意】有许多困难的问题有待解决,新当选的总统现在正处于一段艰难的时期. 答案是C.本题考with的复合结构.with的复合结构是"with+sb./sth.+


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