2020-2021学年高二上英语Unit 3 Life in the future同步练五原卷.docVIP

2020-2021学年高二上英语Unit 3 Life in the future同步练五原卷.doc

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PAGE PAGE 1 \o "Unit 3 A taste of English humour" \o "Unit 3 Life in the future" Unit 3 Life in the future训练五 课后练习 一 二 三 四 单句语法填空 完形填空 语法填空 改错 单句语法填空(单词复习+语法提升) 1.After dropping a small stone into still water, we saw ripples going out    all directions. 2.Please provide the interviewer    any examples of your previous job. 3.The question is    we should stay. 4.I had a headache. That was    I asked for three days' leave. 5.Don't track up my clean floor with your    (mud) shoes. 6.They felt a lack    warmth in his formal speech. 7.Our biology teacher,    husband is an engineer, tires her best to get us interested in her class. 8.As John Lennon once said, life is    happens to you while you are busy making other plans. 9.The world record was    (previous) held by a Spanish athlete. 10.You won't lose weight    you keep a balanced diet and take regular exercise. 二.完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ??? In France, a bookstore chain has put a special camera in its shops. The system feeds a video stream to software which 1 shoppers' movements and facial expressions for surprise, dissatisfaction, confusion or hesitation. When a shopper walks to the end of an aisle (货架通道) only to 2 with a frown to a particular bookshelf, the software messages 3 , who then go to help. For the eight months leading up to this April, sales rose 4 a tenth. ??? The bookseller wants to keep its name 5 for now. Similarly,other French clients of the Paris startup behind the technology, Angus.ai, are 6 it in stores which are not open to the public. They 7 ?airport owner Aéroports de Paris, the luxury-goods giant LVMH, and Carrefour, the supermarkets chain. ??? Simple video produces a lot of insights, but there are far more complicated ways of learning about shoppers' 8 . Thermal-imaging (热成像的) cameras 9 detect heart rates. Wirelessly colle


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