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表格B2 表格B2 Name of Staff: 姓名: Department: 部门: Date Joined: 入职日期: Name of Appraiser: 评核人: Appraisal Period: From 评核期间:由 Performance Planning Appraisal-General Staff 一般员工工作表现评核 StalflD No.: 员工编号: Position: 职位: Date of Appointment to Current Post: 现职开始日期: Post Title of Appraiser: 评核人职位: to 至 A. Performance Planning and Appraisal 工作表现计划及评核 Al. 基本职责Job Duties 优界 Excellent 良好 Good 合格 Acceplublc 欠佳 laili 恶劣 Poor 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7参与促进部门或单位达致其目标的工作。 Contribute to the achievement of deparlmenl/unit goals. A2. 特殊工作项目(除Al项所列外) Other Duties (in addition to those listed in Al) 优异 Excellent 良好 Good 合格 Acceplublc 欠佳 Fail 恶劣 Poor 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Version: CForm No?: 0000 Version: C A3.工作态度 Work Behaviour 优异 Excellent score分数 5 良好 Good score分数 4 合格 Acceptable score分数 3 欠佳 Fail score分数 2 恶劣 Poor score分数 0 用 MA 3」 诚信 Integrity 务实诚倍.为同爭的典范 Showing high degree of integrity 诚信可嘉 Can be trusted with integrity 行为端正忠诚 Demonstrate behaviour with integrity 未如理想 Not Satisfactory 久缺诚倍.立心 不良 Lacks integrity N/A 3.2 责任感 Sense of Responsibilities 匸作热诚及勤奋,于工作 效率及质素上不断作改 进 Hardworking enthusiastic, constantly improving the quality and efficiency of work 勒力及有资任 心.于工作上亦 时有改善 Hardworking responsible, with occasional v/ork improvement 一般.完成I:作的 基本耍求Approach work positively and according to defined scope 不关心及间中有不 负责任 Indifferent and sometimes being irresponsible 垂无资任心 Totally irresponsible N/A 3 3 合作精神 Teamwork 主动与其它同爭合作?能 发挥群策群力的精神 Actively cooperate with others, readily contribute in teams 与何爭保持良好 的介作关系.T 团队合作中时有 穴献 Willing to cooperate with others, and can contribute in teams 与同爭合作一般 Work fairly well with others 未能与河爭保持合 作关系 Cannot maintain good co-operation with others 缺乏合作精神? 只重个人工作 Lack team spirit, always v/ork alone N/A 3.4 工作纪律 Discipline 遵守公司各?项规章制度. 能起典范的作用 Model corporate atizen, ahvays follow company policies and procedures 能遵守公司各项 规童制度 Can follow company policies and procedures 般能遵守公司 乞项规章制度 Can generally comply with company polices and procedures 间中违反纪律与制 度 Failur


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