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简单的英语谚语初二常用 简单的英语谚语初二常用 PAGE / NUMPAGES 简单的英语谚语初二常用 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 简单的英语谚语初二常用 导读:本文是关于简单的英语谚语初二常用, 如果觉得很不错, 欢迎点评和分享! 1、学好千日不足,学坏一日有余。 Learning well is not enough, learning badly is more than one day. 2、自己的东西就是宝,别人的东西就是草。 Ones own thing is treasure, anothers thing is grass. 3、会怪怪自己,不会怪怪别人。 You blame yourself, you dont blame others. 4、人是铁,饭是钢,三日不吃饿得慌。 People are iron, rice is steel, three days do not eat hungry panic. 5、君子报仇,十年不晚。 It is not too late for a gentleman to revenge. 6、细水长流,吃穿不愁。 Thin water flows long, no worries about food and clothing. 7、工欲善其事,必先利其器。 Sharp tools make good work. 8、不下水,一辈子不会游泳;不扬帆,一辈子不会撑船。 No water, no swimming, no sailing, no boating. 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 9、流水不腐,户枢不蠹。 The running water is not rotten and the household pivot is not moth-eaten. 、天无一月雨,人无一世穷。 There is no rain in a month, and no man is poor forever. 、一顿吃伤,十顿吃汤。 One meal hurts, ten meals soup. 、人行千里路,胜读十年书。 Thousands of miles on foot is better than ten yearsstudy. 、鸟贵有翼,人贵有志。 Birds have wings and people have ambitions. 、多下及时雨,少放马后炮。 Rain more in time and fire less afterwards. 、天才和懒惰结伴,等于一事无成。 Genius and laziness go hand in hand and accomplish nothing. 、败家子挥金如粪,兴家人惜粪如金。 The loser spends money like dung, while the rejuvenating family cherishes dung like gold. 、学而不厌,诲人不倦。 Never be contented with your study; never be impatient with your teaching. 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 、走路不怕上高山,撑船不怕过限滩。 Walking is not afraid of climbing mountains, and boating is not afraid of exceeding the limit beach. 、品行是一个人的内在,名誉是一个人的外貌。 Character is a persons inner, reputation is a persons appearance. 、未晚先投宿,鸡鸣早看天。 Bed before night, cock crows early to see the sky. 、虎瘦雄心在,人穷志不短。 A tiger is thin and ambitious, but a man is poor and ambitious. 、人怕信心齐,虎怕成群。 People fear confidence, tigers fear crowds. 、信了肚,卖了屋。 Believe in your stomach and sell your house. 、河有两岸,事有两面。 There are two sides to the river and two sides to the matter. 、是蛇一身冷,是狼一身腥。 Snakes are cold, wolves are fishy. 、娘家的饭香,婆家的饭长。 My mothers food is fragrant, but my mothers f


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