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Unit ;Think and Discuss;Think and Discuss;Questions; ; ;Exploring the Theme;Health and Fitness;A | Look at the photos and read the captions. Then discuss the questions. ;A warning sign tells people to stay away from a building in Zambia where the government stores DDT. The chemical can be deadly if mishandled, but it can also be used to kill dangerous bugs.;Rock climbing is more popular than ever before. These rock climbers stop on the side of a mountain as they take a break from their climbing.;A man is doing yoga on Wharaiki Beach in New Zealand.;Discuss the questions. 1. What is the steel room used for? 2. How can chemicals such as DDT affect your health? 3. Where is it possible to go rock climbing? What kinds of equipment would you need? 4. Have you ever tried yoga? What are the health benefits of practicing yoga regularly?;Example Answers The steel room is used to measure indoor air pollution.;Health and Fitness;Example Answers People can go rock climbing anywhere there are mountains or rocky bluffs. Some rock climbers such as the man in the picture on page 81 do not use special equipment. Other climbers use lot of special equipment including climbing ropes, harnesses, gloves, chalk (to keep your hands dry when climbing), carabiners (to connect your harness to anchors on the rock face), and more.;Example Answers ? Yes, I have tried yoga. ? No, I have not tried yoga. The health benefits of yoga include increasing one’s balance, strength, and flexibility, as well as learning to relax and handle stress in a healthy way. ;Analytical Listening;Listening 1 ;Listening 1 ;Predicting Content. With a partner, look at the photo and read the caption. Then discuss the questions below. ;Predicting Content. ;Listening 1 ;Listening 1 ;A | Listening for Main Ideas. Read the questions and answer choices. Then listen to a question and answer session that followed a lecture on health and choose the correct answers. ;A | Listening for Main Ideas. ;A | Listening for Main Ideas. ;A


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