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2018年武汉科技大学620外国语专业综合考研真题(A卷) (总分:75.00,做题时间:180分钟) 一、单选题(总题数:60,分数:60.00) 1.The doubt was still there, in the deep recess of her mind. 无(分数:1.00) ?A.cession? ?B.secret place??√ ?C.separation? ?D.distinction 解析:无 2.A deep rift had started in their family life. 无(分数:1.00) ?A.raven ?B.cult ?C.pulp ?D.break?√ 解析:无 3.We stowed all the books in the boxes and then put them in the attic. 无(分数:1.00) ?A.threw? ?B.rejected? ?C.debased? ?D.stashed?√ 解析:无 4.I am profoundly grateful for this opportunity to work with you. 无(分数:1.00) ?A.rejoicingly ?B.intensely?√ ?C.lavishly ?D.pompously 解析:无 5.They were all prosecuted for illicit liquor selling. 无(分数:1.00) ?A.illegal?√ ?B.illiterate ?C.illegible ?D.illustre 解析:无 6.He endeavored to adopt a positive but realistic attitude toward life. 无(分数:1.00) ?A.stiffened ?B.trotted ?C.strived?√ ?D.trudged 解析:无 7.It should also teach you that life is uncertain and full of tribulation 无(分数:1.00) ?A.suffering?√ ?B.experience ?C.effort ?D.distortion 解析:无 8.The government on Friday approved a Bill to outlaw and dissolve all secret societies. 无(分数:1.00) ?A.end?√ ?B.dispatch ?C.scatter ?D.strip 解析:无 9.A solar cell takes radiation from the sun and converts it into electricity. 无(分数:1.00) ?A.transfers ?B.transforms?√ ?C.transports ?D.transmits 解析:无 10.The government’s reaction to this was issuing a writ against any child abuse 无(分数:1.00) ?A.document?√ ?B.doctrine ?C.dogma ?D.dormant 解析:无 11.He began to assail them with every kind of invective he could think of. 无(分数:1.00) ?A.forum ?B.insult ?C.solace ?D.abuse?√ 解析:无 12.A systematic and deliberate perversion of the truth is even harmful than gossip. 无(分数:1.00) ?A.distortion?√ ?B.perplex ?C.diversion ?D.protrusion 解析:无 13.It was so hot that his shirt was quickly sodden with sweat. 无(分数:1.00) ?A.softened ?B.saturated?√ ?C.fatigued ?D.subverted 解析:无 14.Gradually the fog dissipated as the sun came up. 无(分数:1.00) ?A.assimilated ?B.penetrated ?C.disappeared?√ ?D.released 解析:无 15.With the omnipresence of advert


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