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3). The Third Period: showing intensifying (increasing) pessimism
1852-53 Bleak House
1854 Hard Time
1855-57 Little Dorrit
1859 A Tale of Two Cites
1860-61 Great Expectations
1864-65 Our Mutual Friend
1870 Edwin Drood
Bleak House
The main butt of satire in Bleak House is aimed at the abuse of English courts .The plot is built the lawsuit of Jarndyce over the inheritance of a family fortune ,which has dragged on for mang generations , setting relatives quarreling with one another ,driving some of them to ruin and others to suicide ,while the lawyers engaged in it obtain large fees from the case.
Hard Times
After Bleak appeared the novel Hard Times ,a fierce attack on the bourgeois system of education and ethics and on utilitarianism . The scene of Hard Times is laid in the North of England, in an industrial city called Coketown , about 1853.It also shows Dickens’s acute intuition that something more was in ferment in the antagonism between the bourgeoisie and the proletarait.
Little Dorrit
Little Dorrit is a novel with imprisonment , both matter-of-fact or symbolic, as its central theme , William Dorrit has lived more than 20 years in the Marshalsea Prison for debtors , and is called the “Father of the Marshalsea.”Little Dorrit is a rich and powerful novel Bernard Shaw called it “a more seditious book than Das Capital”
A Tale of Two Cities
In the basic plot, the fate of Dr.Manette is closely interwoven with the development of the French Revolution. A Tale of Two Cities takes ,as clearly as Dickens’s earlier works , the sides of common people against that of the privileged classes.
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