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上海市虹口区2019-2020学年高一上学期期末考试 英语试题 I 略 II. Grammar and Vocabulary 20% Section A Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. News From The World of Medicine SHORT ON SLEEP? DONT FORGET TO DRINK WATER In a Pennsylvania State University study involving more than 20,000 participants, people who said they got only six hours of sleep regularly ran a greater risk of dehydration (脱水) than ___1___ who got eight hours. The reason might lie with a hormone (荷尔蒙) called vasopressin, ___2___ helps control the body’s fluid levels. It’s let out in larger quantities later in the sleep cycle, ___3___ people getting less shut-eye might not have the best amount of it. If you know you’re short on slumber, ___4___ (make) a point of drinking water. TEN-MINUTE CANCER TEST Australian researchers have developed a test ___5___ can discover cancer cells in ten minutes with 90 percent accuracy. Healthy DNA and cancer DNA, it turns out, stick to metal surfaces differently. When cancer DNA ___6___ (add) to water mixed with gold nanoparticles (纳米颗粒), the water remains its rosy color, when healthy DNA is added, the water turns blue. ___7___ the test is cheap and simple, it could be used at your primary care physicians office, with follow-up if necessary. EXERCISE PREVENTS FALLS Each year, at least a third of people ___8___ the age of 65 fall downwards. Research found that theres one factor related to notably reduced risk: exercise. People who took part in Tai Chi fell 19 percent ___9___ (often), while those who did balance and functional exercises, such as step-ups, chair rises, or standing on one leg, fell 24 percent less often. Most useful of all was ____10____ (combine) different types of exercise, including lifting weights and balance exercises. 【答案】1. those 2. which



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