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一、“说”法不一:关于say的多样表达 whisper to say something very quietly, using your breath rather than your full voice: “Don’t wake the baby,” Jenny whispered. | Love you, she whispered in his ear. | They were whispering something to each other. mumble to say something quietly without pronouncing the words clearly: He mumbled a few words of thanks. mutter to say something quietly, especially when you are annoyed but do not want someone to hear you complaining: This is ridiculous, he muttered under his breath. | She muttered something about having to go home early. | Stop muttering to yourself and speak clearly. murmur to say something in a soft slow gentle voice: She stroked his hair and murmured, Don’t worry. You’ll be all right. growl to say something in a low angry voice: As I was saying, Lewis growled, it needs to be finished today. snarl to say something in a nasty angry way: Get out of my way! he snarled. exclaim to say something suddenly and loudly: How beautiful! she exclaimed. blurt out to suddenly say something without thinking, especially something embarrassing or secret: It was partly nervousness that had made him blurt out the question. stammer/stutter to speak with a lot of pauses and repeated sounds, because you have a speech problem, or because you are nervous or excited: “I’ll, I’ll only be a m-moment,” he stammered. 二、跑步前进:关于run的多种说法 jog to run quite slowly for exercise over a long distance: A few people were jogging in the park. | He collapsed while jogging in Central Park. | I go jogging three times a week. | A young couple jogged past us. race/dash to run somewhere as quickly as you can, especially because you have to do something urgently: He dashed across the road to the police station. | We raced to the bus stop and got there just in time. sprint to run as fast as you can for a short distance: I saw the runners sprinting past. | He sprinted up the stairs. tear to run very quickly and without really looking where you are going, because you are in a hurry: H



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Where there is a will,there is a way!

