专题01 读后续写之人物手上动作描写-备战2020新高考英语读后续写考前冲刺读背素材.docxVIP

专题01 读后续写之人物手上动作描写-备战2020新高考英语读后续写考前冲刺读背素材.docx

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专题01 读后续写之人物手上动作描写 一、关键词 1.seize 抓住;俘获 seize a chance, an opportunity 抓住机会 seize sth. (from sb.)(常指通过暴力突然)夺取 seize on sth.突然大为关注,抓住(可利用的事物)  2.grab/ grasp 抓住;急忙抓住 ~ a chance/an opportunity急忙抓住(机会)  grasp at sth.尽力抓住某物 3.drag 拖拽;吃力地往前拉 常用短语: drag by 过得很慢;拖沓地进行  例句:The last few weeks of the summer really dragged by. 夏天最后的几个星期过得真是慢啊。 drag sth into sth 毫无必要地扯到  例句:Don’t drag the children into our argument. 不要硬让孩子也卷入我们的争论。 4. wag \o 未添加,点击添加到单词本  [wæɡ]  \o 真人发音   \o 真人发音 v.(动物尾巴)来回摇摆;来回摇动(竖立的手指) 5. rub \o 未添加,点击添加到单词本  [rʌb]  \o 真人发音  vt. 擦;摩擦 6. pull /push 拉/推 7. raise 举起,抬起 8. tap轻叩 / pat轻轻地拍 二、常用短语 take one’s hand 牵某人的手 reach for one’s hand 伸手抓住某人 hold hands 手拉手 in one’s hand 在手里 with both hands 用双手 shake one’s hand 握手 hold out a hand 伸出手 put one’s hands to one’s cheeks 用双手捂住脸 raise one’s hands 举手 slid one’s hands into将手插进...... spread one’s hand 摊开双手 rub one’s hands together使劲搓着双手 one’s hands shake/tremble 某人的手颤抖着 catch/ hold of one’s arm 抓住某人的手臂 cup one’s hand over 捂住...... with one’s head in one’s hands双手抱着...... hand in hand 手拉手 raise a warning finger 举起一手指以示警告 raise/hold up a finger to one’s lip 把一根手指举到某人唇边 wag/wave one’s finger 某人摇着手指 wave one’s arms 挥动某人的双臂 with crossed arms 双臂交叉 fold one’s arms 某人双臂交叉 hold out/open one’s arms伸出/张开双臂 catch /grab one’s arm 抓住某人的胳膊 take one’s arm 挽住某人的胳膊 arm in arm 手挽手 put/throw one’s arms around sb. 搂住某人 pull sb. into one’s arms 拉某人进怀 三、优美句子 1.Stunned, I stood up and gave her an awkward hug / hugged her in an award way. 2.Speechless, she smiled radiantly and gathered her son into her arms. 3.The nearer it got, the more she waved the yellow blouse wildly. 4.The man took the sacks, reached into his pocket and placed four coins in Reuben’s hand. 5.Then, clutching the tin can, he headed for the shop. 6.He parked down the street from Bobby’s house, and rushed to his front door, trembling with excitement. 7.The man gently wrapped the gift in brown paper and placed the parcel in Reuben’s hands. 8.Dora lifted the l


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