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试卷第 PAGE 1 页共 NUMPAGES 1 页 国际货运代理师多项选择试卷 姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________ 题型 选择题 填空题 解答题 判断题 计算题 附加题 总分 得分 评卷人 得分 1、The objectives of the latest revision of UCP include( ). A.reduce documentary rejections B.facilitate the flow of international trade C.facilitate consistent application and interpretation of the Rules D.enhance the reputation of L/C as the payment method in international trade 2、The aim of revision for the Articles 17~28 of UCP 600 is( ). A.to abolish some old documents B.to reduce documentary rejections C.to create new documents D.to clarify some important issues left unclear by the UCP 500 3、Please point out which of the following statements are right.( ) A.The time of shipment should be stipulated in a clear and flexible way in the L/C B.The time of shipment should not be stipulated in a clear and flexible way in the L/C C.If the L/C simply stipulates an expiry date without a shipment date which means these two dates are not the same D.If the L/C simply stipulates an expiry date without a shipment date which means these two dates are the same 4、If the stipulate shipment date is“On June 24,2009”,when is it wrong for the seller to ship the goods( ) A.Any time before June 24,2009 B.Only on June 24,2009 C.Any time after June 24,2009 D.Five days before or five days after June 24,2009 5、Which of the following expressions applying to any date or period in the credit referring to shipment will be understood to include the date mentioned( ) A.Until B.After C.Before D.To 6、Although there are many changes in the UCP 600,yet traders should pay more attention to articles including( ). A.Articles 1~8 B.Articles 9~10 C.Articles 29~37 D.Article 38


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