英语演讲与辩论Lecture One(课堂PPT).ppt

英语演讲与辩论Lecture One(课堂PPT).ppt

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Lecture One Brief Introduction to English Speaking ;What is a speech? A speech is a genuine social activity in which the speaker faces the audience, airing his/her own opinions, expatiating on a specific topic or exchanging information with verbal form mainly aided by nonverbal forms. ;;Why do people make speeches? Make those who share the same opinion with the speaker firmer. Persuade some who hold different opinions to waver, to give up or to change their original ideas and finally accept the speaker’s viewpoint gladly and whole-heartedly.;Chinese Definition 演讲又称演说(Oration),是一门综合性的艺术,是语言的一种高级表现形式,是艺术地表达出语言的基本意思,是一种有计划、有目的、有主题、有系统的视听两方面信息的传播。它可以使见解一致的听众更坚定其原有的信念,同时,力争不同见解的听众动摇、放弃、改变其原有的思想观点,心悦诚服地接受你的意见。;Types of Speech ◆ Manner of delivery ◆ Purpose of speech ; Speaking from manuscript Speaking from memory Speaking impromptu Speaking extemporaneously; Informative speech Persuasive speech Other speeches ;Read by paper Advantage Disadvantage; Can convey what the speaker want to express accurately. ;Unnatural, not relaxed or even inflexible Difficult to keep eye-contact and emotional exchange with the audience Lack of enthusiasm ; People use such style Features Forms ; Used by professional speakers, politician or speakers in speech contest.;1) Unnatural and insincere, difficult to arouse the enthusiasm and sympathetic response of the audience 2) Possible to forget the content ; Speech contests Short speeches;Without special advance preparation Predict Accommodate yourself to circumstances Think on your feet; Predict whether you will be invited to have a speech ( an important guest or the guest of honor), then prepare in advance. ;Discussion: give your own opinions Wedding, Award ceremony: favorable words, compliments Party (fare-well party, retirement party): greetings and recollection of one or two moving instances; Definition Advantage ; A previous planned speaking but not from manuscri


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