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Chapter 1 France is calling 一 . 教学内容: Chapter 1 France is calling 二 . 重点句子: 1. France is calling. 法国正在向您召唤 动词 call 有如下的含义: 召唤,号召。 .: Can you call everybody in for lunch? 你能把大家都叫进来吃饭么 ? 喊,嚷: “Breakfast is ready ”, She called.吃早饭了,她喊了一声。 请……来。 .: He was so ill that we had to call the doctor. 他病得很重,我们只好把大夫请来了。 取名,把……叫做。 .: They called the baby Simon. 他们为这个孩子取名叫西蒙。 打电话。 .: I ’ll call you later.我晚点打电话给你。 call 常见的搭配有: be called 名字叫做。 .: What ’s your teacher called?你们老师怎么称呼 ? She ’s called Mrs Gray.我们叫她格雷太太。 call s omebody back 给某人回电话。 .: I can ’t talk now- I ’ ll call you back later. 我现在说话不方便 待会儿再给您回电话吧。 call for somebody 顺路到某人家约之同行。 .: Rose often calls for me in the morning and we walk to school together. 罗斯常常在早上找我一起步行去上学。 call in 访问,拜访。 I ’ ll call in to see you this evening. 我今天晚上去探望您。 call off 取消原计划,放弃原计划 。 We called off the race because it was raining. 因为下雨,我们取消了这场比赛。 2. Now that winter is behind us, many people are starting to think about going abroad for the summer holidays. 既然冬天已经过去,许多人开始计划暑假去国外旅游。 now that 由于,既然。相当于 because of the fact that. .: Now that the children have left home, we can move to a smaller house. 既然孩子们都已经从家里搬出去了,我们也可以搬到一套小一点的房子去了。 注意: now that 通常用来表示众所周知的原因, 而非 because 那样可能表示比较深层次的或隐含的原 因。 .: Now that you mention it, I do remember. 既然你说了,我就会记住的。 Now that you have grown up, you must stop this childish behavior. 既然你已经长大了,那么你就应该改掉这种幼稚的行为。 start to do sth. 开始做……,着手做…… After waiting for an hour, the clients started to complain. 等了一个小时之后,顾客们开始抱怨了。 She started to play the piano when she was five years old. 她五岁开始学弹钢琴 。 注意:我们同样也可以说成 start doing sth. .: They started planting trees in the school gar den at 9 o ’ clock th


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