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会计学;That he will pass the exam is certain. Whether he will pass the exam is uncertain. Who will go makes no difference. What we need is more time. Which book I shall choose hasn’t been decided.;主语从句考点归纳;例1. When will he come is not known.;例3. He will not come to the meeting this evening is true.;例4. If the meeting will be put off has not been decided yet.;; _____________________ is known to all. (地球是圆的) ________________________ is that computers can recognize human voices. (让我们感到惊讶的是电脑能分辨人的声音。) ;_____________(任何一个来的人)is welcome. ______________(任何我拥有的东西)is yours. ______________(你想要的任何一个) is yours.;例5. When he will come are a puzzle.;;注意;That we can’t go to see the movie is a pity.;It + be + 名词 + that从句 It is a pity that… 很遗憾… It is a fact that… 事实是… ; 1.______________(是个惊喜)that he changed his mind. 2._______________(据推测) that she will come back tomorrow. 3.____________(有必要)that we should learn English.;小试牛刀;他是不是我的孩子仍然是个问题。;_______________is your hairstyle.;__________that the word diaosi reflects social problems.;___________is attracted by her.;_________________that we should wear rain shoes on rainy days.;What I need is rest.;What the boy did made the teacher angry.;主语从句在写作中的应用;1. 合并句子: Whether will you go to the party? It makes no difference. ;3. 结尾提建议的句式: As far as I am concerned, it is necessary that _______. ( It is suggested/recommended that… It is high time that we should take some measures. It is necessary/important/vital that sb. should…) 4. what 引导的主语从句 What impressed/surprised me most is … What is more serious is that…… 更严重的是…… What is important is that… In my opinion, _______________(父母所做的) has an influence on their children’s development. ;What do you think of grammar learning? How can you learn grammar well?;;1. _________ is needed for success is your hard work. 2. _________ can join in the sport meet is decided by the teacher. 3. __________ he will join us or not makes no difference.;1. Whe


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