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Unit One ;Ⅰ;Circumstances forced us to ;(2) [;(3) in / under the circumstances: ;Under the circumstances he felt ;The result was the best that ;Under no circumstances: in no ;2.;Subsequent events proved me ;〔;Subsequent;He;3.;A lot of work now is ;The accident caused a ;4. commit: vt. ;commit;〔;commit a patient to a mental ;〔;Signing;I;5.;Driving while drunk is a ;〔;The problem was how to get ;〔;offender n. ;6.;The;〔;Their advice confirmed my ;7.;I ask the attendant to conduct ;〔;〔;〔;8. witness: n.;I;〔;I was called as a defense ;(3) [U;C] what is said about an ;His ragged clothes were (a) ;〔;9. trial: n. [C; U];The;〔;The;〔;Take the machine on trial for a ;Democracy itself is on trial as ;10. dismiss:;Bob was dismissed from his ;〔;She was dismissed as a dreamer. ;He;〔;The;〔;11. award: vt. ;Einstein was awarded the ;The;12. given: taking sth. into ;Given;13. meanwhile: adv.;The flight will be announced ;Theyll be here in ten ;〔;Jim went to answer the ;I went to college. Meanwhile ;〔;The incomes of male ;14.;People;Neighbors;〔;You have no grounds for ;Weve received a lot of ;15. apologize: ;I;〔;I made my apologies (to my host) ;Ⅱ;The;opposed to the Vietnam War and ;英国经历二战重创、战后经济繁荣和国


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