时事新闻语法填空4篇- 高三英语一轮复习.docxVIP

时事新闻语法填空4篇- 高三英语一轮复习.docx

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一健康饮食使你的生命延长 1________(eat) a hot dog could cost you 36 minutes of life, while2___________(choose) to eat a serving of nuts could help you gain 26 minutes of extra life, according to a study 3_________(publish) in the journal Nature Food on Aug 18. Researchers from the University of Michigan in the US evaluated more than 5,800 foods. They developed a new rating , 4________ calculates the health burden of food in terms of the minutes of healthy living lost or gained from eating them. The team also considered the 5_____________(environment) influence of the lifecycles of these foods from production and processing to cooking, eating and waste. 6____________(interest), the study suggests that small changes can have7 ____ large impact on health and environment. If you replace 10 percent of daily caloric intake from beef and processed meats 8________ a mix of fruits, vegetables, nuts and select seafood each day, you could gain an extra of 48 healthy minutes, according to The Independent. 9________(eat) a hot dog could cost you 36 minutes of life, while10___________(choose) to eat a serving of nuts could help you gain 26 minutes of extra life, 1.evaluate/??v?ljue?t/v. 评价,评估,估值 2.rate /re?t/ v. 评价,评定 3.in terms of 根据,依据 4.calculate /?k?lkjule?t/v. 计算,核算;预测,推测 5.burden/?b??rdn/n. 负担,责任 6.in terms of依据;按照;在……方面;以……措词 7.environmental influence 环境影响 8.lifecycle /?la?f?sa?kl/n. 生活周期;生活过程;生命循环 9.production /pr??d?k?n/n. (以销售为目的的)生产,制造;(对自然物的)加工,采集,生产;产量 10.process /pr??ses;?prɑ?ses/n. 步骤,程序 11.have an impact on有很大的影响 12.replace/r??ple?s/v. 取代;(用……)替换 13.caloric /k??l?r?k/adj. 热量的;卡的 14.intake /??nte?k/n. (食物、饮料、空气等的)摄取量,吸入量;摄入,吸入 15.processed /'prɑses/v. 加工;审核;处理(数据) 16.select /s??lekt/v. 选择,挑选 17.extra /?ekstr?/adj. 额外的;另外收费的 18.design/d??za?n/n. 设计,布局,安排 19.pour /p??r/v. 倾倒,倒出 20.be attached to 喜爱;附属于 21.affordable /??f??rd?bl/adj. 便宜的,付得起的 参考答案:1.Eating 2. choosing 3. published 4. which 5.environmental 6.Interestingly 7.a 8. with 10.choosing 二网红机器人Atla


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