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往届德勤OT 题型 1 . Which mine can produce the greatest amount of units of electricity before it runs out of coal ? A . Folen B . Dirme C . Ily D .Ryken E . All Others 2 . At the continued rate of extraction , in how many years is the coal from the Folen Mine likely to run out ? A . 1.5 years B . 3 years C . 4.5 years D . 6 years E . 7.5 years 3 . If all staff , both operations and admin , were required to wear trousers , shirts , and shoes , how much this cost the company ? A . £4698 B . £12843 C . £18648 D . £27364 E . £33615 4 . What percentage discount is offered on admin uniforms for purchase qu ties greater than 100 , compared to the price for the smallest purchase qu ty ? A . 42.4% B . 44.2% C . 49.9% D . 55.8% E . 57.6% 5 . Which type of staff will cost the company the least in providing uniforms ? A . Office B . Sales C . Senior D . Delivery E . Wa ouse 6 . How much money would the company save if delivery staff and wa ouse staff wore the same uniforms and their purchases could therefore be combined ? A . £136.95 B . £223.41 C . £346.50 D . £432.96 E . £516.85 7 . Considering the number of vehicles bought as business cars , how much profit did the m that benefited the most by targeting this market make ? A . £20,513 million B . £35,126 million C . £50,684 million D . £65,236 million E . £80,457 million 8 . If a litre of oil is sold at $0.89 , which Oil Rig the most profit in the 6 month period ? A . D64 B . S23 C . L09 D . H42 E . A56 9 . If a gallon of oil is sold at $0.89 , how much profit would Oil Rif D64 have in the 6-month period (based on targets , and taking production costs into )? A . $0.26 million B . $7.68 million C . $ 14.65 million D . $22.12 million E . $29.50 million 10 . What was the approximate cost of total oil production in Month 1 ? A . $2.25 million B . $4.23 million C . $7.12 million D .


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